I like discussing movies, TV, and music; music production, mixing, & songwriting; us/world news & current events; local news & events (Willamette valley & Pacific NW); general life & hobbies stuff (camping/cooking/whatever)

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Ohana on Broadway is super cheap. Like a few kinds of veggie rolls for $2.35 cheap. In case you need your fix on a budget. That’s enough to make it my favorite.

How about criminalizing dealing, Ted? Dealing was never officially decriminalized with measure 110 but it sure isn’t being effectively prosecuted. I don’t mean weed or psychedelics but if you’re dealing new meth, heroin, or fentanyl, you’re basically sentencing your users to death. Seriously, treat that shit like murder 1 if it’s a drug that statistically kills most of it’s users.