• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 05, 2023


How would you re-run it multiple times then? An internal should be progressively greater. How would you terminate it if it continues to produce an exception?

what if one of the calls crashes? how would you re-run it?

If you need for them to run at a specific time, spawn task ,tokio::time::sleep , run job, loop.

How would you do it every 30 minutes? Every 5 hours? Once a day?

For my project I just run them.

How would you “just run” a task every 30 minutes? Every 5 hours? Once a day?

How to run background jobs?
Is there any library for the queueing mechanism? What's used by the most - Cron? But a task or rather script executed by Cron won't access to the context of an application. Meaning, a task will have be an independent unit. Whereas I want is a library to use inside a project such that it'll have access to everything. Anything similar to Sidekiq exist in Rust?