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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Sep 26, 2022


offtopic but do you know who owns lemmy.com? It points to your instance and im confused why an instance isnt run using that domain instead of pointing it to yours

I dont want to block full federation i want to block image federation from other servers so when the big ones are attacked with csam my server doesnt download it. If someone uploads an image to a community on my server does it not federate and get downloaded by my server?

“Anyways they would have taken too long to implement” seems like a very odd take considering this is an ongoing issue that is pretty damn important. Some features that should be available is for instances to wipe images from certain dates, “muting” instances to prevent storing any images from instances that are not on an approve list and prevent users outside this list from uploading images to your instance, and an option to prevent any user outside your instance from uploading images to your instance.

Theres many mod tools like these that need priority right now but it seems like they keep getting pushed away

Stack Overflow employs it for moderation and quality control.

Ive had almost every question ive ever posted on stack overflow sites locked claiming the question is answered elsewhere even though the question they point to is not the same as mine. Its so frustrating posting on those sites cuz everyone claims i should do what im asking some other convoluted way or that the question is the same as others which are outdated or completely irrelevant.

Im going to start using Omnivore since it prevents deadlinks, is open source, and can be self hosted https://omnivore.app/

Hopefully they contribute to the mastodon code too. Seems like a lot of people are making forks and frontends instead of improving the mastodon code (backend, and app)