Long time linux user and tinkerer. Currently working as a devops engineer. Very positive to the idea of decentralized internet platforms. :)

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023

Fediverse privacy nightmare?
I think they are leaving out something quite important in this blog post - nobody is using their real names here. It's very different from Meta or Google or whatever big tech company people have accounts on, where they know your real name and many more details, such as phone number and address. I don't see the privacy danger in someone sweeping up what we are talking about here, since we are pseudo anonymous. Am I missing something? Whats the value of random aliases discussing something and why is that a privacy issue?

The EU has been really great lately. Gdpr laws are protecting us from all of these shitty preditory services that Americans will be the first to sign up on.

Why do you think they are bots? I haven’t seen any signs of that…

Sure but does it matter? You are supposed to be pseudo anonymous here, so switching accounts now and then is only a good thing in my opinion.

So you have to resub to your communities and you lose your posting history.

But this is not reddit. You are not supposed to build up karma on a account, and stay with it for years and years. :)

Yeah I was surprised to see that myself. I guess one thing that is easier for new users is that local communities will just show up on their instance under Communities, and they dont have to add them from other instances. I can see the advantage of that I guess.

But it would be a shame if all these new users end up on the top 5 instances and just make them full and overloaded, and then the users will complain about bad performance and technical issues with Lemmy. Its a completely self-inflicted problem. :)

Isnt the problem mostly that most people dont spread out to other instances, and thats why you dont get the benefit from being distributed?

I mean, right now its a bit silly seeing people sign up for the most overloaded instances and ignore the ones with low amount of users. It should be exactly the other way around to maximize the value to the community.

In fact, to really benefit growth of the entire network, popular instances should stop accepting new users so they spread out on other instances by default.

I feel like it’s completely overblown and it’s just silly. Why can’t we let these people have opinions different from our own?

It’s like we are looking for something to fight about, instead of using the tech because it’s actually really valuable.

Divide and conquer… Every single time.

Any instance starting to use ads would likely lose a lot of users. We don’t want to look at ads, they are everywhere and they are poison.

I could see a small membership fee as being more acceptable, like a dollar per month. It’s not a big deal for a lot of people. But we are not there yet.

Install Element, the most popular client and you will see. It’s quite nice!

I think it’s fine. It’s a bit like Linux users. We are maybe one percent of total computer users but we are plenty to create a very good community. :)

Yes but people run these instances to get users and help the community grow. A company is trying to make money from it.

It’s a big difference because people hosting instances have no intention of making any money from it. It’s the open source mentality of sharing because it feels good to contribute.

Whatever country you are in, they don’t actually care about human rights. It’s all driven by greed and power.

When you subscribe to a community from another instance, it learns your instance exists and starts sending it messages and receives responses.

Is there a reason why instances couldn’t just index and show all the communities from other federated instances?

Right now you have to do this to add a community from another instance:

  • Visit it, look in communities, copy the link to the community
  • Go back to the instance you were, paste link into search box and hit enter, then click the link, open sidebar, and click subscribe.

I don’t see why instances couldn’t just have an index over communities on all federated instances, so it’s a one click action to subscribe to any community in the entire Lemmy fediverse.

If this was implemented it would lower the bar for new users enormously, and encourage a lot more cross instance subscriptions.

Agree completely. I think people just like this format better also. Some link to discuss and gather around.

I loved that page so much. It’s 100% truth what has happened, at least in my opinion.