I’m Henry

I do some stuff sometimes

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Apr 01, 2023

Searching for others to create a self governing community with lemmy
Looking for collaborators to create a new instance of Lemmy. Among other things this instance will differ from existing ones by having a self-governing structure. Check out the rough draft for a full vision of this community.

Anyone want to help me "Create a safe, self governed community (lemmy instance) that fosters discussion around both OC content and shared links"
cross-posted from: https://beehaw.org/post/493388 cross-posted from: https://beehaw.org/post/493386 (I think this is probably an okay place to post this, lmk if not) Looking for collaborators to create a new instance of Lemmy. Among other things this instance will differ from existing ones by having a self-governing structure. Check out the very rough draft linked below to learn about my current vision for this community. Much on the doc will change based on other people's ideas. This community's goal is for it to belong to the community. No specific skills needed, but please read through the concept outline before getting in touch. Any type of contribution is amazing. You just have to be interested. Join me in creating a unique and innovative platform.

Yeah. The reason I prefer them is it seems that people have more meaningful conversations than on other platform. Also on reddit specific posts can appear in search results making it possible to write a blog on one of these platform or find a very helpful suggestion to a specific problem you have. (I really wish lemmy did this: not just because of the practicality but it would also bring a whole bunch more users over here.)

Yeah…I meant as my “home base” in the fediverse. The place I typically will scroll.

I do like it but i’m not sure i’ll use it instead of another platform…I really like lemmy and it’s link aggregatorness but Calckey’s lack of a character limit makes it a viable alternative. Also that UI is HOT! (As are most worked on by freeplay)