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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2023


Why do you care? What does it matter? Who gives a shit?


It’s Mali. Period.

Just because someone registers a domain to host a website from Mali doesn’t mean they represent Mali. Tonga sells domains to anyone with the .to extension, which are used by many torrent sites because Tonga doesn’t care much about respecting piracy laws elsewhere.

You’re reading way too much into it.

Well now I have a new “app” to test. I could login with my reddthat account just fine, and it acts like a native app on iphone if I first open it in safari and then add it to the home screen. I can “close” it and it remembers my account just fine on reopen. TIL more things about lemmy.

Just want to add to my comment that the #1 reason I sometimes prefer the browser over an app is that you can open content in multiple tabs, just like on desktop. I can have several tabs open, each dedicated to viewing one community. Easier to cut and paste urls and other content into other apps. I don’t like being confined to one viewport for everything. It’s nice being able to interrupt reading a discussion to go down a rabbit hole in another tab, then close it and pick up where I left off. Navigation in the apps can be generally unpredictable right now. Or you completely lose your place and have to go find it again. Lots of pros to using a browser for it.

Interesting, I have a lemmy.world account but I don’t think I’ve seen the mobile view in my browser. At least, the url stays the same for me, it’s one of the reasons I didn’t consider that possibility. I’m used to seeing a m.domain variant on other sites. I’ll have to experiment and see if going to that specific url changes something.

edit: I’ll be damned, it does give me a whole different interface I never knew about.

beat me to it, but it’s apropo this is coming from a shitjustworks account

I also backed up and now see what you meant about being able to have multiple front ends for an instance. I read that as being able to select a frontend, not as having an “instance.com” and a “m.instance.com” at the same time, but that would solve the concern I raised. Yeah, we’re good.

lemmy apps are still in development and all are subtly buggy, so until those are updated and refined, sometimes the web view is the only accurate one. So yes, at times I prefer the browser.

edit: for another example, see the Reddit app. I entirely prefer the browser over it.

The comment I replied to clearly asked if they could use it as a default instance front end. I know you want to cast the question I was responding to as also irrelevant, but it just isn’t, when plenty of people log in via a mobile browser, whether you like it or not.

“it is expected that everyone uses some kind of app on the phone”

lol ok

lemmy apps are still in development, don’t even reflect some server settings correctly, and the only version of lemmy that works totally as intended is the web portal, but we’re all expected to be using apps for everything?

sure, buddy

edit: also the point is that someone asked if it could be used as a lemmy instance default front end, which would only make sense if only desktop users ever logged in via a browser. How you cannot absorb this detail is beyond me really.

Or possibly just adjust aspects of the responsive design to correctly present for mobile viewports, but the point still stands that having it as a default for an instance is a premature notion right now due to anyone logging into that instance on a mobile browser.

Which, again, is why I was pointing this out in reply to someone asking if it could be used as the default ui on a lemmy instance.

As I said to the other person:

I assume you didn’t read the comment I was replying to, which asks if it can be used as a default ui on a server, which affects everyone, but thank for questioning my comprehension ability.

I assume you didn’t read the comment I was replying to, which asks if it can be used as a default ui on a server, which affects everyone, but thank for questioning my comprehension ability.

If it’s also intended for use on iPhone, it’s not ready. Renders too wide on my device.