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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 24, 2023


Huh. This isn’t some dirtbag domain squatter, either. This is a ten year old company with a serious, legitimate claim. Plus, their services are easily similar enough to create marketplace confusion, which is a major factor in trademark cases.

This doesn’t help, either:

It appears that Meta was aware of Threads before launching its platform of the same name. Company lawyers made four offers to purchase the domain ‘threads.app’ from Threads Software Ltd from April 2023, all of which were declined.

Zuck fucked up.

I only saw parts of it… but yeah, it’s plenty messed up. What’s even worse is that it’s not messed up in an exploitative way, though. Like you said, it’s horrible because a nuclear war would be horrible. The people who were unlucky enough to survive would be absolutely brutal to one another.

I feel bad for the admins. That must be annoying AF.

So, the moment there’s any amount of excitement and engagement around a “bad person or act” on here … the moment you feel the need to click, read and respond … you’re probably just being driven by engagement habits and reflexes and not at all contributing to the goals and values that the “bad actor” has allegedly compromised.

Ha! You’ve done a very good job of explaining why I was reluctant to reply at all, even to comment on how silly the whole thing seems. I didn’t want to throw fuel on the fire. I did it anyway, though, and just did again. Oh well.

So… we’re just repeating unverifiable rumors now? What is this, high school? What’s the next post going to be, a list of who has a crush on who? Please.

Why did you really repost this?

I saw the original several hours ago. I didn’t vote or comment because I had no way of knowing if the original author was lying or not. You, however, are just repeating an unverifiable rumor. I feel like I’m back in high school.

You know perfectly well that if the original becomes unavailable, there will be no way for anyone to tell if this version is authentic or if it’s been altered. This isn’t a museum, or anything remotely close to a secure archive. You’re not helping anyone.