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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 30, 2023


Makes sense. I’ve also given a try to the flags I mentioned in rustfmt and they are apparently just for the nightly build, which makes me think they are working on it, which is good news (at least for me).

Sometimes having too much freedom when it comes to organizing code can be worse, I guess. But in general I prefer it to, for example, C, which was so picky with the placements of things.

Thanks for the feedback đź‘Ť

That’s more or less what I do. However I usually struggle with enum, traits, functions and structs inside the same group. So, for example, if I’m in the public group:

  1. do I mix them all and sort alphabetically or hierarchically (like the post https://lemmy.ml/comment/414806 suggests)?
  2. do I put enums, traits and functions first since they are usually prerequisites for the following types? Meaning that an enum will probably be used in a struct or trait, so we may want to present it before to the reader.
  3. any other sorting…


So, hierarchichal top down, I guess. With main types before subordinate ones. Right?

Internal Rust file organization?
I would like to know if there are any proposals for internal file organization, like what to put from top to bottom... Example: start with pub use declarations, then use, the mod, enums, traits, etc. I've seen rustfmt has some options like reorder_imports that may impose some partial structure, but I would like a more comprehensive guide/spec... If there's nothing like that. Can we maybe discuss something that makes sense? 🤔