No nazis, no TERFs, no yimbies




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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


Unsurprisingly given its extremely high profile as a purveyor of transphobic coverage, many mastodon instances have greeted them with a firm block. (If this confuses folks who don’t pay attention to this sort of thing, just picture in your head if it was fox news.)

It’s pretty widely known and has been an issue for a long time. It’s not terribly hard to google for.

The actual issue is, that as an instance admin who had previously been in the loop for some time with #fediblock and other channels in which admins share this kind of info, folks expected him to already have disqordia blocked.

Also, it seems from his posts elsewhere that he actually was aware and didn’t care. Ample reason to defederate from .art’s perspective. ( has subsequently silenced but not blocked disqordia)

All of this is relatively routine, the screenshot fabrication thing more unusual.

I posted a medium-short summary elsewhere with a couple of links for folks looking for slightly more context.

I don’t think the eris or defederation things are Huge News in themselves, but if it’s true he doctored a screenshot to make the .art admin look bad, that’s not a good look for a lead deve/flagship instance admin.

.art is an influential leader in community safety/moderation standards in the fediverse; their standards for federation are moderately high, and probably higher than folks on many lemmy instances would likely agree with. But it feels like the firefish guy has possibly a pattern of not doing his homework about things in general?

Obviously the big question is, did he actually doctor screenshots and if so, WTF, man.

The iceshrimp fork actually came before the thing with .art broke and seemingly had to do with issues internal to the calckey development community. It’s hard to say for sure what the situation was because most of the stuff on both sides was pretty vaguely stated.

M system is pretty much EOL’d, so it may not be the best choice for future proofness as the OP wants.

It’s a good point about lens availability, though. The best selection in the mirrorless world will be Sony, due to the system being more mature and Sony not being hostile to third party makers like Canon and Nikon are.

I have an RP and an original R6, and they are very different cameras. The RP’s compact size and light weight are excellent features that, for me, go a long way to offset its limitations, but to that end If I were buying today, I would go for the R8 over the RP.

The RP’s sensor was already showing its age a year or two ago, and that’s more true now, I’m sure, in terms particularly of dynamic range. And for wildlife and sports, the improved autofocus on the more recent Canon models will be a significant benefit, as will the in-body stabilization.

In terms of “will the camera work in the future”, I have no reason to worry about the longevity of any Canon camera. But if you’re at all averse to owning an “outdated” camera, skip the RP in favor of either the R8 (lightweight and much better for travel, but no IBIS) or a used R6 or an R6 MKII.

Not quite correct; the scene would look somewhat different in visible light as many of the apparently white surfaces would be US Flags. (That’s the part that interests me particularly; eyes and skin would also likely look a bit different.)

The more the merrier for the Fediverse and if you don’t like it, join a smaller project or find one with the privacy policy that suites you. defederate

The good thing about decentralized platforms is that you don’t have to immediately cede the public square to corporate ownership or resign yourself to sharing space with the worst bad actors.

I have no desire to see facebook in the fediverse, but that’s not really gentrification, it’s more like Walmart. (Anti-competitive corporate monopoly suppressing competition and forcing everyone to serve their bottom line)

Gentrification refers to the displacement of poor and working class people, and especially people of color, by affluent people, especially white. That’s not the specific dynamic here, in no small part because Mastodon has been self-gentrifying[1] aggressively from the beginning. (It is jokingly referred to as the HOA of the internet)

  1. Through white techies being constantly obnoxious to POC who have the temerity to try to join the fediverse, the particular culture of content warning policing, and lack of discoverability making it hard to form community. Note: there’s no reason to think facebook would improve any of this. ↩︎

Ah, sorry, I misunderstood. Could probably find some examples live examples by looking at any convo with folks from beehaw and or shitjustworks, and viewing that thread from the different instances

There wouldn’t be an empty spot, your instance would never know that comment was there to begin with. You would be able to see it if you clicked through to the other instance of course.

Some folks won’t be able to access some communities due to defederation, and in other cases folks may want to start a community on their home instance for certain reasons. This isn’t the end of the world; probably in the long run either everybody will centralize on the biggest one, or you’ll end up with one or two alternatives that have a bit different culture or focus.

That being said, if you like to read comments, it can get confusing when a bunch of different communities all have high interaction posts about the same topic at the same time.

Is there a lemmy/kbin equivalent of #fediblock on mastodon? E.g., a community or something where folks from across the fediverse share instances that should be considered for defederation? I’ve seen plenty of internal defederation discourse on individual instances, but generally in isolation.