Anyone that claims to speak on behalf of the universe is either a liar or a fool

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Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2020


Careful everything you upload there also belongs to them. Its in their tos

Blows my mind how people like you can ciriticise another government and ingore the centuries of atrocities committed by your own. sucks donkey balls and this isn’t the only example.

Needs topic tagging that works across instances.

The worst part about lemmy world is that all the tech discussions seemed to have moved there. Granted a lot of them are people who dont RTFM but still its not a good consolidation of discussion. is hosted in the USA? I wonder how long til it gets raided by the feds

A lot of people on these large instances dont even know they’ve been defederating from other instances. I have yet to see any instance that actually votes on whether or not they should defederate and it seems wholly decided by the admins of said instance.

And? Say they throw all their recyclables in the garbage or in their yard. Should I not criticize someone for that?

Or maybe they have a rape dungeon in their basement.

Very cool, ive been wondering about who defeds the most and now I know. Thanks.

Sure but that doesn’t mean we can’t criticize these instances for their stupid decisions.