lemmy.ca admin and general fediverse lurker

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  • 2 Posts
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Dec 13, 2020

Hi all, I have been playing around with notes on getting Lemmy installed from scratch, without using docker or ansible. While these notes have worked for me, there's probably a million iterations of 'better' that could be done to them - I'd consider them a draft at this point. That said, I have used them to create each of Lemmy's components on lemmy.ca. If you do use these, I would recommend sticking to lemmy release versions as the developers state that are likely breaking changes to things like federation in between releases. Also, I'm aware that things like the init scripts need some further work - they're just a starting point for now. If interested, please go ahead and grab https://lemmy.ca/dl/lemmy-resources.tar.gz and have a look at the lemmy-setup-notes.txt file included. There's also example configs for the various component that require them and the aforementioned init scripts. I hope this is useful to someone!

Lemmy & small VPSes
Hi all! For those who are using a very small, limited-RAM VPS (smaller than 4GB), how are you finding keeping Lemmy up to date? I'm doing each component piecemeal, and on my 2GB RAM VPS I couldn't finish lemmy backend's cargo build, just too much RAM required even with 1.5GB of swap (VPS provider is really going to enjoy that, I'm sure) I did the production build on a machine at home and copied the lemmy_server over. Seems to be fine, but... rust or lemmy seem to have some massive resource requirements on the build.