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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jan 21, 2021


I like the option to preserve originals. I wonder if this is now always done or if it is configurable. Often times I am preserving the original footage and project files anyways so don’t need an original. However other times I am just throwing footage straight from the camera and the archive is nice.

It also opens interesting possibilities like re-encoding down the road to new or better codecs or even just better encoders. For example it would be interesting to dedicate one background thread to re-encoding in a much higher effort, and possibly re-running this every few years to take advantage of encoder upgrades.

Yes, I agree with this. I wrote a blog post about this a while ago. post lemmy discussion.

TL;DR communities on Lemmy are federated and highly dependent on the instance that they live on. If the source instance gets banned or goes offline the community will effectively go offline too.

This can be compared to Matrix rooms which don’t really live on any specific instance and continue even if the source instance goes offline. Defederation will prevent users from seeing posts from users on the blocked instance, but the room itself isn’t affected.

However I feel that trying to solve this by supporting some form of community merging would likely just be papering over the problem. The only way to really solve this is by properly decentralizing communities.

FWIW I don’t think this is a real issue. It is right now because Lemmy is fairly new and small. But over time it will become obvious which communities are popular and people will go there. I think there is a small issue because local communities are sort of given priority as /communities defaults to “Local”. But that sort of seems like the end of the list.

Just like it isn’t an issue that people can create “Cats” and “CuteCats” on Reddit I don’t think it is an issue that you can create cats@a.example and cats@b.example. Over time people will find and participate in whichever popular community matches their preferences.

I don’t like the idea of global “Multi-communities” as now there are more instance admins that have control over a community. I think that in general mods should have the most control, instance admins being necessary due to an implementation detail (communities are bound to servers) and should only need to step in for extreme cases. (Like violating server rules)

I don’t mind “Communities following communities” as much but I fail to see the point. If you think that another community is a good place to have a discussion why not just tell your members that you recommend moving there? I can see this working as a “Public Playlist” style idea where you can subscribe to follow recommended communities. I think having the option to post to both a followed community or the community that is doing the following is unnecessarily confusing. Basically I would make this as more of a discovery feature than a way to merge communities together.

Best option is probably to add a wrapper around the thread that re-spawns it. But you can also just catch panics in the loop.

It depends. Sometimes you can just put an exit call at the end of main to kill the thread. If you want to attempt graceful shutdown then usually I just use a boolean shutdown flag. Then the loop becomes while !shutdown.get() {

std::thread::spawn(|| {
    loop {

Works pretty well. Maybe add a bit of code to crash the whole process on panic or some other logging. Wastes a few KiB of memory per loop but probably not a major issue. Doing this with async will waste only the tiniest amount of memory.

For my project I just run them. I’m using async so it is just spawning a task in the background, but you can do the same with threads. Don’t underestimate the number of threads that you can run on a modern computer.

If you want some sort of throttling you can stuff tasks into a queue and just run N background threads pulling them off an processing them.

If you need durability then you start to have more trouble. This is where I would start looking at a library. IDK if there are any libraries that handle logging, retries and similar, but if not you can probably get the basics down pretty easily.

Being able to merge them even if they aren’t both visible in the same page of your feed or even just efficiently looking up cross-posts would probably need server assistance. Ideally it could be done in a way that a client could choose to or not to merge them.

I would love to have them linked more strongly. I do think that it makes sense to separate comments. If only because moderation rules are different for different communities. But it would be nice to group them in the feed.

That seems like a big leap. I have seen many performant and buggy Rust tools.

But either way, if your goal is to find tools that are performant and correct why not call it fastreliableyour.life? Focus on the actual direct benefits rather than implying them and excluding other tools that may fit your needs.

But why? It seems weird to choose your tools based on the language they are implemented in. I love Rust (it is my goto language) but I choose my tools based on what they do, not how they were implemented.

While I probably wouldn’t use a propitiatory client I have no real issues with it. You can always switch off if you feel that it isn’t respecting you, even if it is harder to verify what it is doing under the hood.

Basically having a federated and open protocol greatly mitigates the downsides of a proprietary client.

Regarding the edit:

what I should have said was providing a product in the same market. So the fact that’s its free might not be relevant and a free, instance of a decentralized social network could be considered in the same market as a commercial, centralized social network.

Again, I don’t think the exact product matters too much. Being in different markets can help, for example a Twitter Whistle would have a better argument than a Twitter Social Network. But for huge brands that are well known everywhere (like Twitter) the market difference tends to matter less.

I still don’t see twitter going after this single instance

Yes, it is unlikely. But definitely not impossible with things that Twitter has already done to try and push out Mastodon (like banning links). And if it does happen it will be devastating to the instance as changing domains is painful. So I’m just suggesting that it may be best to play it safe here to avoid possible problems down the road.

I am not a lawyer. But…

I don’t think selling matters at all. The problem is if someone could confuse it. “Is Twitter Down” is arguably very hard to confuse as it is clearly something about Twitter (telling if it is down), and it doesn’t seem to present itself as being made/run by Twitter. This is further supported by the “by ryan king” in the corner.

However if people often talk about #BlackTwitter as some subset of content on Twitter it seems entirely possible that people could think that blacktwitter.io could think that it is run by Twitter. If it was called something like thenewblacktwitter or blacktwitteralternative it would be less likely to cause this confusion.

Another angle that they may argue is that they have an official product called “Twitter Blue” and they could argue that people would believe that “Black Twitter” is also an official Twitter product.

The most important think to remember about Trademark law is that it is very much about consumer protection. It doesn’t give you exclusive rights to use your trademark, it just prevents people from using your trademark to make something seem to be from you.

On top of all of that being legally right isn’t the only thing that matters. If Twitter accuses you of Trademark infringement unless you want to hire a bunch of lawyers you are probably just going to do what they say.

You probably don’t want to use “twitter” in your name/domain like that. You are probably infringing their trademark.

WordPress is always a good option. They have a freeium hosted option at wordpress.com or you can run your own. You can also always move to another provider or host it yourself.

Tumblr is also big and popular and there are tons of smaller hosts like https://bearblog.dev/.

This is like telling someone to stay in an abusive relationship because other people like your partner. No, find something that works well for you. Your true friends will adapt.

Remember when Google Talk was federated XMPP? Maybe we’ll have a second chance.