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Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


The probable cause catch 22.

It’s suspicious that they were driving over the speed limit, that’s probable cause for a stop

It’s suspicious that they were driving under the speed limit, that’s probable cause for a stop

It’s suspicious that they were driving exactly at the speed limit, that’s probable cause for a stop

I think the core problem here, is felony police stops. If it’s an appropriate use of force on an accurately identified felony police stop, why can’t that same use of force be applied to any civilian?

People are innocent until proven guilty, that includes people accused of felonies, so a felony police stops overwhelming use of force, is used against an innocent person.

Demilitarization of the police would be excellent, or give them a single bullet instead of multiple magazines. The British model where your average patrol officer is not armed, would do wonders to deescalate situations, cuz then criminals with no hay this isn’t life or death.