This is my main lemmy account.

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I can also be found elsewhere on the fediverse at

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


Yeah, I’d love to setup a /kbin instance at some point, it seems pretty nice.

Yeah… I’m not good at naming things lol

Ahh, I didn’t get that far in the docs, but seeing as there are no (that I can tell) post limits, running a blog on Lemmy would work pretty well with a bit of a UI change.

I would agree with you… except that Reddit has always been referred to a link aggregator (and forum) since I’ve used it. It’s a bit of both.

The problem is that there isn’t really an over-arching name that you can call these services because they are all pretty distinct in their feature sets. Lemmy and kbin get grouped together often, but kbin also has microblogging capabilities which sets it apart from both Lemmy and Reddit.

Yeah, I thought the ActivityPub standard was a lot more standard than it actually seems to be. That’s probably both a good and bad thing. It would be nice to see some more cohesion though.

Oh, that is pretty cool! Custom post types does seem like an interesting solution to some problems I’ve seen with i.e. Mastodon

Totally agree, maybe that can be built out, but I think it would require a change in how things are handled currently?

Awe :/ yeah that’s not nearly as integrated as I first thought it would be :(

I wonder if it would be possible to build like, a bridge that converts different types of actions to other actions that make sense on another platform?

Ah, yeah each service seems to implement certain things in different ways which is interesting, and maybe something to work out in the future. I kind of like to though, it draws you to a particular interface depending on the context and features you want for that type of content.

How do you see the integration of link-aggregation and microblogging?
Thinking about the future where Microblogging and link-aggregation sites on the fediverse have grown, how do you see them integrating? It's a bit one-directional right now since I don't think Lemmy has the concept of following people or #topics outside of Lemmy, but mastodon users can follow Lemmy communities and the posts and comments show up fairly nicely. Do you think the ability to combine those two domains in one interface (even the same timeline) is useful at all? I'm envisioning a content creator posting a video on peertube and being posted to one of the link-aggregator instances and people commenting on it via Mastodon and all of the comments being able to reference each other no matter where they were posted. I think that's pretty amazing compared to what we have now where you're conversation is basically stuck where it was started on the traditional services.

As a “replacement” for Reddit (I think that moniker is selling it short, it can be so much more), it makes sense. Reddit and sites like it, depending on the specific community are really just a place to share content from outside sources and discuss that content with a like-minded community.

The other type of subreddit I’ve see are tech support style where someone is asking a question of a group of people who are likely to have a good understanding of the subject matter. I think link-aggregation-style sites are the best interface for these at the moment as well.

I’d probably call this niche of fediverse apps “fediverse link aggregators”. Their UI really only makes them useful for that at the moment (IMO - haven’t tried kbin), and you can technically follow a Lemmy community from Mastodon if you want (it’s not a great UX), but you don’t get the aggregation doing that. At least not without sorting down to just that view.

I would just call it the fediverse to be honest. Technically they all federate content, and I could respond to this post from Mastodon or Lemmy and it just works.

I think people referring to Mastodon as the fediverse is kind of similar to someone saying “the reddit for <video game>” instead of “<video game>'s sub-reddit”, if that makes sense?

Ah, so it seems like once you’ve setup an instance at a domain, you’ve kinda burned that domain unless you use like a subdomain. That’s a bit annoying, but I guess it makes sense.

Yeah, I use GH/CF pages already for most things (except the images blog(?), that’s on Medium of all places).

I guess it makes sense to keep the blog it’s own thing and just link to it when I write something.

Which Fediverse software would you recommend for long-form blog posts or photo hosting?
I am wondering about the different fediverse software options and what would be best for various usecases. Currently, I run a Mastodon and a Lemmy instance that is mostly just for myself, which is great for doing microblogging and link-aggregation/replacing Reddit. In the past I've also used various blog platforms for long-form text posts (documentation/guides), and to host some photography pics. It feels like Mastodon isn't a good option for hosting long-form content (most instances have 500 char limits lol), nor would it be the best for trying to create a photo space akin to Instagram. What software options would you recommend for either long-form blog posts or photo hosting? I know Pixelfed is an option (that I am looking into hosting), but is there a good blog option? I think calckey can host pages and galleries, so it might be a good all-in-one solution? I'm not really sure. p.s. If I export my content from Mastodon, shut down the instance, then bring up an instance of Calckey with the same domain/username, am I going to break things?

Ah yeah I’ll have to fill out my profile and do an introduction post!

Oh awesome, that’s a cool service that relays provide.

Oh! I did set up a few relays, I didn’t realize they worked both ways! So posts I make on my instance go out to the relay and people subscribed to the relay will see my posts.

Yeah, I’ll have to do that.

Thanks for the info, that helps clarify things.

Ah okay, so the 2 people and one bot that follow me would be seeing my posts. That seems pretty underwhelming, but makes sense lol

Yeah, I’m going to see if some of my IRL friends are interested, but I’m not sure how many of them use Twitter/Reddit/etc currently.

Single-User instances on the Fediverse?
I've set up a couple of single-user instances of fediverse apps (Mastodon, Lemmy). With Lemmy, I can post/comment to any community/thread I want that is federated, but I can't seem to do that with Mastodon. With that being the case, how does the content I post on Mastodon get shown to people on other instances (I know replying works differently). I feel like any top-level post I make on my instance is basically like shouting into the void, correct? Also, if I were to set up a Pixelfed instance, would I have the same problem where my content doesn't get shown to anyone (except those that follow me?)