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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I’d add Bee’s Cakes on Sandy (which has a variety, including good cinnamon rolls when they’re in rotation), and a vote that I really love the Franzbrot from Fressen (basically everything from them, honestly).

I guess what I meant to say was I wish it had a population breakdown (as in total percentages, not percent changes) to see how it has impacted Portland’s demographics. As you say, Portland is very white, and I was curious to see how this has changed (without doing math or much digging because I was on mobile yesterday). I was also thinking it would be interesting to compare PDX to the broader U.S. population to see if Portland is uniquely experiencing rapid growth in (e.g.) Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander community, or if that’s a broader trend in the US.

As luck would have it, I’m not on mobile today, so I found the 2nd info from Axios (conveniently formatted in the same way: https://www.axios.com/2023/06/29/fastest-growing-demographics

Comparing PDX to the US at large, it looks like there was a significant influx of Hispanic and Native Hawaiian & other Pacific Islander people, and a bigger growth in Asian and Black groups vs. the US at large as well. I really wonder what Portland’s demographics will look like in 10 years, and if it’ll be meaningfully less white (it seems so). I’m not sure what’s driving the huge growth in Native Hawaiian & other Pacific Islander populations (I’m ignorant there) and would be curious to understand that.

I’ve been going to Junior’s a lot for beans lately; I think they’re pretty great.

Agreed; Momiji tends to be pretty solid in my experience. I’ve eaten at a couple of them and their price/quality is a great balance for my taste. The one on Fremont is good, too. I haven’t been to the Barbur one.

Thanks for sharing! It’d be interesting if the article had compared this to nationwide trends and/or showed the current vs. past breakdowns.

Lately we’ve been trying to “pre-cool” a little in the mornings so that the house can slowly heat up during the day without the AC going full blast all afternoon. It’s working okay, but not perfectly. We still struggle to keep the upstairs bedrooms cool enough (76 or below) without overcooling the downstairs (72). The AC is usually set somewhere in the middle (74ish).