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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Feb 18, 2021


The real problem is: People use mastodon and are not willing to use other fediverse-software…

But there are so many of them out:

  • #friendica
  • #firefish
  • #misskey
  • #calckey
  • #pleroma
  • #akoma and a plethiora more of them… you can have all the features here, which are you missing on mastodon… but people love to complain about missing features than trying another software… #mastodonisnotthefediverse

You can also use friendica… it has all the features, people are asking for…

That’s the main feature, i use friendica. I had a Twitter-Account for years… never used, because i always missed the context… That’s why i used facebook before the fediverse… because i need context and space to make short or even very long ansers… in one posting. That’s also, why i use friendica… looooooong answers… and images inside the text.

“Private” comes from the latin “privare” which means “robbed, withdrawn from public access”

No. It’s not.

Friendica has different Identities with only one login. You can drive forum or newsaccounts (joining an rss-feed for example, an bring it to fediverse) and so on.

It allows you, to do short messages and long formated text with subject. Good for publishing and discussion along.

As i often say:

Each Node has to bring it’s own xmpp-server. When you log in to your mastodon, friendica or what else, you are instantely logged in in this xmpp-server.

The fediverse-id is also the xmpp-jid.

In the contact you can just click on “chat” and you will be connected with this xmpp-account.

Conversejs or jsxc bring such small-chat-windows as you know from facebook.

The roster is your contact-list.

AND conversations allows you, to add your fediverse-chat-account as additional account… so you can use it on your smartphone without being logged in in the fediservice.

Xmpp has a small footprint. So it’s ideal. Mucs are also possible for groupchats.

If it is preconfigured, and easy to install (look at snikket!), there is instantely a secure chat in the fediverse.