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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


This sounds like more stupid right wing politics. Like compare the test results to what is found on physical money.

This kind of bullshit is about oppression of the poor and unfortunate.

I am not a user of any drugs. I do sympathize with the people that have no hope or future, that are constantly exploited and abused for profit because they are poor. The people who can’t afford Adderall like your kids are on or the prescription pain meds. I fully support anyone that chooses to go lights out without any pain or suffering using Fentanyl. These are not the problems. The complete lack of land zoning reform and affordable housing, the cost of effective transportation, predatory banking, digital stalking, the lack of public commons in every aspect of life, the cost of living is infuriating, it is disenfranchising. This is the primary motivating factor for most people. It is the stupid bullshit people that have what they need trampling on those that do not. Drug use should be used as an independent measure of effective government. Fix the real problems, not the symptoms of its creation.

I only care for utility, and a minor social engagement at times, preferably without dredditor type interaction. This pretty much requires an intellectual and tech content focus. I’m kinda wishing we could get post numbers up, but we are at the busiest time of year for a lot of academics and end of summer vacations for a lot of the rest.