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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Aug 01, 2022


I love this part right here about POSSE:

“The idea is that you, the poster, should post on a website that you own. Not an app that can go away and take all your posts with it,”

3D stereography adapter
Check this out. I spent a couple of weekends designing an adapter for a Canon 40mm lens that I have. The stereography lens has a 52mm thread so you can adapt it to other lenses. Today I opened a simple PayPal store with payhip to see if I can start my way into something interesting. I'll probably end up with just five bucks in my pocket but it would be pretty cool to actually sell a product of my own. So anyway, if you got ideas for other thread sizes I could make it happen. I'm thinking up other options too.

3D stereoscope
Unfortunately I can't repost here because there's no option to reduce the photo size. So I put a link to my mastodon. Appearently you can buy these things from eBay and Amazon but I made my own for a few bucks and a 3d printer. The results are fun lomo 3D. Well not really that lomo at all actually. Pretty cool photos in my opinion.