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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


That’s super open minded and uncommonly positive, and makes me think I didn’t necessarily come to this thread with the most constructive tone myself. I’ll think more about how I voice feedback as well online for this.

You gotta read the room and understand the context. Someone brings up a thought/question casually on lemmy, it’s gonna make you sound super self-impressed and generally naive to respond as though you’re the one who (or anyone at all) is going to get that thread to a global solution for an incredibly difficult issue that people are already working on. Everyone is just spitballing for fun and curious if any novel thoughts will get tossed around in a thread, so when you reapond to someone highlighting an issue by saying “okay, so what’s the solution” as though people aren’t already thinking of that or wouldn’t have included it in the comment if there was one, it isn’t productive, it ignores the intention of the comment, and it makes you sound like the crappy boss in a bad movie. What is expected? Someone to say, “The solution? I hadn’t thought about that! The whole thing is cracked! Invaluable contribution!” In the end, there’s just a huge difference between saying something like “That’s interesting, I wonder what the biggest obstacles are” and “Okay, I approve of your thoughts, and I know thats important to everyone, but they are incomplete, which you likely didn’t notice. Let me help you with the next step by asking, what’s the next step, which, beside offering great insight, is surely the type of conversation you were looking for in this thread.”

Okay, so your potential contribution is to phrase your questions and responses in the most patronizing possible way, as though we’re in a boardroom with you at the head of the mahogany table, and pretend that much smarter people aren’t already working on this and coming to more complex, detailed obstacles and solutions. I don’t like the idea. As for logistics, I am trying to think about if there is a way to solve a complex issue that has vexed generations and touches nearly every global industry, in a lemmy thread based on a showerthought.