Hey there! I’m IceTree and I’m interested in science, philosophy, manga, and music.

My website: https://icetree.neocities.org/

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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: May 04, 2024


Oof, that’s some smooth fucking animation! Next time you might wanna scale it to something like 1920, so it scales up on many screens :)

It's the apple from reverse 1999, a Chinese RPG game. I just saw it and thought it would be fun to draw. The artist is _CRRN_. Here is the original: * Donmai: https://donmai.moe/posts/7676882 * Twitter: https://x.com/_CRRN_/status/1721311608452845913 ![An image of an apple with googly eyes, it also has a nice little bow tie :)](https://files.catbox.moe/ngcmic.jpg) Criticism is accepted, you may notice some issues with the lighting, and the outlines probably? It's also 128x128 a bit bigger than what I would work with. Made in Pixelorama.

Open in new tab to view image without anti-aliasing. I'd like to hear some criticism about this one, maybe you can start with the colors. Made using Pixelorama.

One of my favorite animated shows.