• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Ha, yeah that’s fair. I’m probably overly pragmatic, engineer mindset!

That’s understandable. I said that I hope you can use the concepts that you connect with, and I tried to imply that to do so you may have to read around the authors.

What I’m trying to say is that these authors are professional photographers and also teachers. We aren’t in their classroom, we can’t request a different approach when it’s not clicking. But they aren’t wrong.

Get past their style and focus on the concepts and, at each one that interests you, use different authors to change the approach.

I also agree that cropping isn’t a bad thing per se, but I do think that it doesn’t really help with composition. It’s another retouch tool to tidy up, like dodge and burn etc.

Additionally, attempting to make your image as final as you can in the viewfinder, can only go to improve your compositions. Practice…etc.

10 Myths About the Rule of Thirds
After posting this article in response to the previous post about composition, I was asked if I had any other links. As a disclaimer, I don't necessarily endorse these but over the years I've taken from them the parts that resonated. Feel free to do the same and I hope you get as much from them as I have. [Eric Kim](https://erickimphotography.com/blog/street-photography-composition-lessons/) [More general Eric Kim.](https://erickimphotography.com/blog/2017/12/09/7-simple-photography-composition-tips/) [121 Clicks/Ian Plant](https://121clicks.com/tutorials/an-ultimate-ebook-for-mastering-the-art-of-composition-by-ian-plant) [A post by Andrew S. Gibson](https://digital-photography-school.com/five-ways-improve-composition-skills/) which talks about gesture and punctuation. Ken Rockwell gets a lot of stick but he's a great resource if you don't take him too seriously. [His page on composition.](https://www.kenrockwell.com/tech/composition.htm) I feel I'm missing some, I'll add them if I can find them.

Would it be better if I made a new post? It would just be a simple list and explanation for the post.

As always, there is some errant info in this, and there is a great deal missing entirely.

For a much better explanation of composition, I urge you all to read this article on Petapixel - 10 Myths About the Rule of Thirds.

Fujifilm X100T

Ilford HP5+

This is the thing. I’m no pro but if I was going to be I would shoot Canon. Accessories are just one of the many reasons; TCs, flash use (they even sorted the stupid fixed ISO), connections, microphone options. I’m sure I’ve missed some.

Ah, I see the real Reddit has arrived at the Fediverse. This is the content I’ve been waiting for. Huzzah!

It’s a testament to Canon that their menus and ergonomics are so much better than most other makes that they are so easy to use, regardless of age.

I agree with M43 for birds and the OM-1 for sports. That’s an extraordinary camera although it’s twice the price of the R10 with a lens.

The Canon closed system isn’t really a problem though. The two lenses mentioned are good enough for anything and well worth the money.

The overall value of the whole kit makes it very competitive and the impression I had from the OP was that budget is important.

There’s also the added familiarity with Canon that shouldn’t be underestimated.

Sports and birding? A full frame sensor will make these more difficult than with APSC, simply because of reach and weight.

Get yourself an EOS R10 with the 18-150, and for longer reach the 100~400mm IS USM.

Nothing else needed, you’ll be set for years.