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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Exactly. Thank you for saying this is in a better way than I could.

The troll once again showing their colors. Thanks for the entertainment and outing yourself as a hate filled bigot.

I understand, you’re a drama stirring troll who found drama and decided to stir it and are now trying to brigade another instance.

So uninteresting that your supposed transphobia happened in a thread dedicated to the drama? You’re lies are showing, you’re not a very good troll.

Claiming things that are not transphobic (like this) are transphobic is harmful to trans people. This explains why you were banned. Blahaj doesn’t allow transphobia or people who harm the trans community like you are doing.

It’s literally what they are saying. Just look at their reply to me.

The moderator in question is trans Ada never told them to stop being transphobic. Hexbear users just can’t stop lying and making up bullshit drama can you?