I am @humanetech at Mastodon, #FOSS and #Fediverse advocate, mod at SocialHub, and facilitator of Humane Tech Community.

I help fight tech harms and “Promote Solutions that Improve Wellbeing, Freedom and Society”.

  • 26 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Apr 06, 2021


Adding reference to HN submission of this article. Discussion thus far has 233 comments.

Have a look at #flohmarkt, federated decentral classified ad software using #activitypub: https://codeberg.org/grindhold/flohmarkt By @grindhold@chaos.social

Towards a #Peopleverse
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/1230183 > Just gave my satyrical take on [The Splinterverse](https://lemmy.ml/post/1229760). Grassroots movements adopt an implicit "Divided we will be conquered" approach, where big corporate newcomers can easily disrupt with Big Marketing™ followed by an Eternal September by their user influx to the Fediverse. The Muskening™ already gave a taste of that. > > Currently new channels are abuzz with the Reddit shenanigans, and there's potential for another influx. People are inventing names like "threadiverse" for forum-like federated apps. There's a broader vibe where people come to the realization that [enshittification](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/enshittification) on proprietary walled garden platforms is inevitable, and that the old web is re-emerging with blogs and webrings. And the heterogenous Social Web with countless alternative federated/decentralized apps where there isn't a single gatekeeper. That opportunity certainly exists (as Meta likely know all too wel also). > > The common name that has stuck is "Fediverse", or affectionally spoken the "fedi". Many say it is a bad name, and maybe it is. It is a name you get used to, though, and it is not easy _at all_ to introduce a new name in a grassroots movement. > > But that is NOT what I find important at all .. > > The Fediverse has slowly matured during many years. That slow growth has shaped an all-important aspect: A vibrant culture. This is what all growth-hacking enterpreneurial minds easily overlook. There have been a shit ton of social media launched.. and failed. The big ones we have have their solid position with FOMO and network effects. Those who say social media is easy have survivorship bias. > > _"It is the culture that matters, stupid!"_ > > I love all the quirky aspects of the Fediverse. The diversity and inclusion. The weird angles. And also, weirdly enough.. the friction. Friction to get on the Fediverse has also served as a filter. We now have 'competitor' decentralized social networks with Nostr and Bluesky. "Nostr is developing way faster.. come to us!" --> This is a purely technical viewpoint. Wait till you see what culture that creates. Technical buzzwords like "encryption", "censorship-resistance", "micropayment", etc. that seem like features may see all the wrong types being attracted to those networks. > > What I feel is the biggest thing that is missing on the Fediverse is a **shared vision**, a common notion of where we are headed, where the potential of the Fediverse is, what we might achieve collectively. > > It is "App focus". App app app app app ... **Apps are siloes!** > > Related to "marketing against Meta" it was asked "Where is the Mastodon branding agency?" --> They branded an app, not an ecosystem / online environment. And them being successful means we have this big confusion now, where people "Join the Mastodon". We should get rid of app focus. > > The vision that appeals to me, and I am advocating for quite a while is that of a **Peopleverse** to emerge. > > - Fediverse (technical) --> Peopleverse (social) > > The Peopleverse is NOT a name.. it is an abstract idea, a vision of how things might be. The Peopleverse is where people find value online. Where they interact with others in a way that is enriching to their lives. It is where online and offline worlds are seamlessly intertwined. > > Considered like that means that this Peopleverse will also have implications for the technical perspective, when looking at the Fediverse technology landscape and ecosystem. It highlights the amount of socio-technological support that is needed. It highlights a **technology vision** that encompasses the Fediverse's full potential.

Introducing the #Splinterverse
"Hey, are you on Mastodon?" "I joined The Mastadon network if that's what ya mean." "Wait an instance. You are both using the Fediverse protocol." "Ha. Well.. I joined the Threadiverse and like that way better." "Is Lemmyverse connected to that?" "Dunno. Let's ask at ActivityPub." "Yay, beer 🍻 It is Friday." "ActivityPub isn't a real pub, it is a community of sorts." "Hi there.. dialing in from the #Pixieverse 👋 Can you see me?" #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Threadiverse #Mastadon #TheMastodon #Lemmyverse #Pixieverse #Vidiverse #Web69

Who helps organize the next Fediverse conference?
You can help by boosting my toot, but when offering help, the [SocialHub forum discussion](https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/anyone-keen-on-a-fediverse-conference-in-2023-24/3167) is the best place to do so.

That second comment by goplayoutside says it well: “Maybe the modest technical hurdles are a feature, not a bug.”

I think it is a feature, and the same is true for Mastodon and the Fediverse as a whole, imho.

Reddit perma-banning account promoting Lemmy has Streisand effect
As Reddit's enshittification reaches new heights their attempts to suppress attention for alternatives, like federated Lemmy, has the opposite effect as this Hacker News discussion shows.

From Splinterverse to resilient GrassrootsFedi dev community: The time is now!
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/952618 > Fediverse is going mainstream fast. And it is going to be a corporate hellhole if the grassroots initiatives that drove it to its current success are losing their grip on evolution in proper direction: Humane tech that is to the benefit of the people andd society, free culture thriving. > > While corporate threads are looming, meanwhile the activated developer community is once again splintering, fragmenting initiatives appearing that dilute attention to focus on common efforts, cohesion, cross-pollination and collaboration. The "herding cats" problem of grassroots movements. > > Great opportunity is now. Cohesion means that initiatives remain independent, but take care to coordinate with what is going on elsewhere. > > 👉 You can help! Avoid a CorporaVerse where you are exploited and milked. Bring attention to the opportunity and participate in the related initiatives to help bring them closer together. You might also boost my [related toot](https://social.coop/@dansup@mastodon.social/110195527051725892#).

From Splinterverse to resilient GrassrootsFedi dev community: The time is now!
Fediverse is going mainstream fast. And it is going to be a corporate hellhole if the grassroots initiatives that drove it to its current success are losing their grip on evolution in proper direction: Humane tech that is to the benefit of the people andd society, free culture thriving. While corporate threads are looming, meanwhile the activated developer community is once again splintering, fragmenting initiatives appearing that dilute attention to focus on common efforts, cohesion, cross-pollination and collaboration. The "herding cats" problem of grassroots movements. Great opportunity is now. Cohesion means that initiatives remain independent, but take care to coordinate with what is going on elsewhere. 👉 You can help! Avoid a CorporaVerse where you are exploited and milked. Bring attention to the opportunity and participate in the related initiatives to help bring them closer together. You might also boost my [related toot](https://social.coop/@dansup@mastodon.social/110195527051725892#).

SocialHub HQ opens this month in Brussels
Sorry, gotta divulge that this was an April Fools. It is the opposite.. we want to get more cohesion and collab in [The Grassroots Fediverse](https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/ideating-organization-structure-for-the-grassroots-fediverse-wiki/3037) as a counterbalance to mainstreaming and corporate takeover forces.

Making an ActivityPub Server from scratch in Rust
Quoting the toot sent out by the blog: > In this blog post I sum up and review the experiences gained from last Stream. Check out the [VOD](https://youtu.be/RuvVvxwT1tY) If you like this content and would love to send me some treats you can Subscribe on my [GitHub Sponsor Page](https://github.com/sponsors/Toasterson) or checkout all the other pages via [Linktree](https://linktr.ee/toasterson) If you would like to have me as a coworker or consultant I am available for hire! #fedihire

Pavilion had early plans to create a plugin, and applied for a NLnet grant. When that wasn’t accepted they put their plans in the freezer. It is only recently, after The Muskening™ that they picked up on it again.

See this post on the Discourse Meta forum about the plans.

Indeed. “Sense of community” is an aspect where additional socio-technical support native to the Fediverse can be quite helpful. We have the basics now. There’s work to add Groups support, but community is more than just groups. It has intricate and meaningful relationships between many other groups and people. Just like in real life.

Apart from that The Pavilion cooperative has announced they work on a Discourse forum plugin for the Fediverse. And also I got word from the Flarum maintainer that they have plans to add support (but there’s been silence after that).

Update: Here’s a thread on Flarum’s ongoing work: https://discuss.flarum.org/d/31943-federation-extension

Much appreciated, thank you very much. Esp. the attention to having good docs is a delight in the otherwise under-documented maze of fedi development.

With Gitea Ltd sudden incorporation, the soft fork of Gitea launched as Forgejo (which is what Codeberg now runs on) most of the forge federation efforts have shifted in that direction, as it offers the highest guarantees of remaining to the public benefit. Gitea has received a NLnet grant to add federation support, but it is unknown to what extent they are actively working towards implementing its goals. Those interested to learn more can join the Forge Federation general chatroom on Matrix.

Yes, I think people should skip to the “We have to keep going” section of the article to put the previous text in better context.

Thank you for your participation in the FEP process. I am really happy to see this finalized, and also that Fediverse Enhancement Proposals is picking up steam to bring more standardization to the Fediverse.

I have happy news in that regard. We have migrated the watchlists to the Delightful Project on Codeberg. And they are rendered on the Delightful Club website.

Bit weird. An anonymous Google Doc, a screenshot of a toot saying “this is legit” and no other references. Could at least provide the URL to that toot.

Please promote your SocialHub. It is important!
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/746044 > With Fediverse going mainstream and corporate interests aplenty, it is very important to promote SocialHub and the FEP process, so that there's higher chance of keeping the fedi open and accessible to anyone. Anyone can help in this regard. > > https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep > > https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks

Besides someone opting in, I hope that the person being quote-tooted also receives notification of that and maybe even notiications of all replies on the quote toot. This so it isn’t a mechanism to “talk behind someone’s back” which by leaving someone unaware makes it more suited tool for abuse.

SSPL is source-available, and not open source. There was lotsa discussion about the SSPL license, which was created by MongoDB, and it is a complex matter with all kinds of judicial angles. In summary it mainly benefits Mongo most of all, whose ‘open source passion’ is marketing-speak mostly. I forgot a lot of ins and outs, but just dug up a random find about downsides (2 parts) and impact.

A pity (for me) is the SSPL licensing, probably chosen because of the use of MongoDB. When using an alternative (maybe FerretDB) it could be Apache 2.0, which was the originally intented I heard (and still mentioned on the website).

What kind of attention, you ask? Well, read here… https://mastodon.social/@atomicpoet/109742115695898174 … the billionaire VC kind of attention.

And someone might write the article: “Of course the Fediverse is threatened by the attention of the attention economy”. Don’t overly focus on whether Mastodon has attention-grabbing engagement features or not. It is an app, folks, just one app on the Fediverse. If you look around you already see how corporate interests are encroaching our space, testing the waters. And they won’t always be single endpoints that you simple defederate with a single block action. Think of cloudflare for instance. Some corporate takeover and EEE scenario’s were recently discussed on HN.

I read your post “The future is disruptive, and I can’t wait!”. And while I share your enthusiasm for the opportunities and potential of the Fediverse - I have been advocating them for years - I do not share the optimism expressed by the people on this thread as to the role of current Fedi culture and Free Software movement, if corporate interest comes. But I fully expected these kinds of answers.

Some time ago I had written notes on the related major fedi challenge of Complacency and intertia. Where the mere fact that we have decentralized technology gives people somehow the idea “We have arrived. We have won”. There’s the enthusiasm of the Early Web on the Fediverse now. The web that nowadays we call the “Corporate Web”. A hyperlinked, decentralized web of information. Thwarted by hypercapitalism. There’s nothing at all that protects fedi from going the same direction. All the years up to now FOSS movement have been in control. But we haven’t managed to organize a strong “technology substrate” that gives much hope of holding our position with corporate interest coming.

FediFox Shield: Safety and Usability focused shell around Mastodon 4.x
From the README: Mastodon 4.x radically changed the frontend, to much dismay from the actual community. It's now a (slow) webapp, which requires access to lots of API routes that were previously unavailable to unauthenticated parties. It gives the public a much deeper view into your (private) community, both non-techincal (instance home pages now show an 'explore' page nobody asked for, that shows public content from instances you federate with. [you have to fully disable trending]), and on a technical level (toots and search API are publicly available allowing for much easier programmatic scraping).

Contribute to Fediverse curated lists of the Delightful Club
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/639707 > The Fediverse going mainstream is ablaze with new developer activities. Many new projects are starting. I am co-maintaining 3 lists, part of the [delightful project](https://codeberg.org/teaserbot-labs/delightful) (this is similar to Github Awesome lists, but only for FOSS, Open Data and Open Science, and without sponsored ads) and can need your help to keep the lists up-to-date. > > Find a new project or an entry that needs updating? Please PR to one of the following repositories: > > - https://codeberg.org/fediverse/delightful-fediverse-apps > - https://codeberg.org/fediverse/delightful-fediverse-clients > - https://codeberg.org/fediverse/delightful-activitypub-development > > The apps and ActivityPub resources from these lists will be hand-picked for inclusion in [Fediverse Party](https://fediverse.party) website. And the lists are auto-compiled into the [Delightful Club](https://delightful.club) website. > > If you want to become part of the Delightful Club and maintain a sub-list on a subject of your choice, then [file an issue](https://codeberg.org/teaserbot-labs/delightful/issues) to the top-level ist.

Contribute to Fediverse curated lists of the Delightful Club
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/639707 > The Fediverse going mainstream is ablaze with new developer activities. Many new projects are starting. I am co-maintaining 3 lists, part of the [delightful project](https://codeberg.org/teaserbot-labs/delightful) (this is similar to Github Awesome lists, but only for FOSS, Open Data and Open Science, and without sponsored ads) and can need your help to keep the lists up-to-date. > > Find a new project or an entry that needs updating? Please PR to one of the following repositories: > > - https://codeberg.org/fediverse/delightful-fediverse-apps > - https://codeberg.org/fediverse/delightful-fediverse-clients > - https://codeberg.org/fediverse/delightful-activitypub-development > > The apps and ActivityPub resources from these lists will be hand-picked for inclusion in [Fediverse Party](https://fediverse.party) website. And the lists are auto-compiled into the [Delightful Club](https://delightful.club) website. > > If you want to become part of the Delightful Club and maintain a sub-list on a subject of your choice, then [file an issue](https://codeberg.org/teaserbot-labs/delightful/issues) to the top-level ist.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/588553 > [Eternal September](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September) is when influx from some other (often shittier and collapsing) platform overwhelms the unique culture that existed before, and in time fully replaces it. Destroying what existed before. > > 🧠 💭 **Figure out strategies & actions in comments below .. participate!** > > For example, I introduced 2 hashtags for awareness: > > - **#AvoidEternalSeptember** Raise attention to the culture clash. > - **#DonateToFediInstances** Help admins and moderators withstand the influx and give them your support. > > We want to be gentle, welcoming to newcomers. Show them around. But also keep having the nice chattering and culture we had before, and maybe give those some extra boosts to exemplify and spread the vibes. > > Here's [a poll](https://social.coop/@smallcircles/109306786291084911) to make newcomers aware that taking Twitter culture with you on the Fediverse is just weird. > > ### Fedizens... Be strategical in how you toot to help avoid that from happening

Important: We need Your Input on the Future of the SocialHub
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/476057 > The activity of the SocialHub community, like all other 'fediverse-substrate' bodies, has waned. From an active community to just a forum. Now a decision has to be made for the future of SocialHub. The options are stopping, be just a forum, or revitalize a vibrant community. The last option needs people willing and committed to do so. To step up for the sake of Fediverse Futures.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/364580 > The EU via their Horizons Europe program, the [Next Generation Internet](https://ngi.eu) (where e.g. NLnet are associated) (NGI Initiative) are the biggest funders of the [free software projects](https://delightful.club/delightful-fediverse-apps/) that comprise the fedi. Without their support fedi wouldn't be what it is now. > > The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) recently [launched a pilot](https://edps.europa.eu/press-publications/press-news/press-releases/2022/edps-launches-pilot-phase-two-social-media_en) to have both a Peertube and Mastodon instance on the Fediverse, hashtagged #EUVideo and #EUVoice respectively. On these servers official European Commission related institutions as well as individuals working at the EC can have their accounts. > > This recognition of the Fediverse and the interest that exists in entering our decentralized social networking environment is an important development. With success of the pilot there will undoubtedly be a follow-up and more initiatives to come. First results until now is that the parties that 'test the waters' are very happy on the kinds of interactions and quality of discussions they encounter on the Fediverse. > > That is no wonder, of course. Fediverse offers **social networking** that is more personal and friendly, than corporate social media which is about 'broadcasting' and influencing. > > Current pilot can be a ramp up to something much bigger: > > #### Fediverse: United in Diversity > > A social networking technology where _everyone_ can find their place and participate, that is not controlled by Big Tech and commercial corporate interests. For the European Commission there is the opportunity to passionately put their support behind fostering **"The European Take On Social Networking"**. Fediverse aligns to the NGI Initiative who envision an [Internet for Humans](https://www.ngi.eu/about/). > > ##### How you can help > > To progress towards this vision it is important for the EU/EC pilot to be a success. As fedizen you can help with this. Here are a couple of ways to offer your support: > > → **Follow, boost, favourite the [EUVoice accounts](https://social.network.europa.eu/explore) on Mastodon and [EUVideo](https://tube.network.europa.eu/videos/overview) Peertube videos.** > > - These early adopter accounts are _still learning_ how the Fediverse works, what the culture is and e.g. how we value accessibility and image captions. You can help them discover. > - Many accounts are still Twitter bridges and broadcast only. Some others respond and interact with fedizens, notably [@EC_OSPO](https://social.network.europa.eu/@EC_OSPO), [@EDPS](https://social.network.europa.eu/@EDPS) and [@EC_NGI](https://social.network.europa.eu/@EC_NGI). The operators of the Twitter bridges don't know what the value of Fediverse is to them, and if they should spend time with us. All reactions by us are monitored, so we can help them here. > - There are people giving highly toxic reactions to almost any EC-related toot. There are many things to be critical about. Politics is about the discussion of these issues, and good arguments help more than toxicity. Here we have opportunity to show we are different than the cesspit that Twitter is. > - Do not expect too much, too soon. There is a complex organization structure at the EC, and given the politically sensitive nature all communications are weighed carefully and undergo multiple levels of approval. Plans move slowly, but they are in motion. > > → **Let's give the fedi accounts more followers than they have on Twitter, if possible.** > > - For instance the [Director General of Informatics at DG DIGIT](https://social.network.europa.eu/users/EC_DIGIT_director_general), Veronica Gaffey, has 191 fedi followers in short time, while [on Twitter](https://twitter.com/gaffey_veronica) she has 279 followers. > > → **If you are on Twitter, then help encourage EC institutions to also have an account on EUVoice.** > > - A notable example is the [European Parliament](https://twitter.com/euparl_en). Respond to their tweets and name-drop the fedi as THE place to be. > > → **We are gathering a group of volunteers on [SocialHub](https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks) that can [help train EC representatives](https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/looking-for-volunteers-organize-a-fediverse-training-for-eu-representatives/2437) in how to use the Fediverse effectively and understand its culture.** > > - The activities we do here, starting later this year, stand to benefit any administration or institution interested to join the Fediverse, not just EU representatives. > > --- > > This post is also [cross-posted](https://discuss.coding.social/t/help-make-the-european-commission-euvoice-and-euvideo-pilot-a-success/101) to the [Social Coding Movement](https://coding.social) that is dedicated among others to establish a Peopleverse on top of the fedi. Social Coding is not yet officially launched.