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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


I went through the Sendgrid docs and your configuration seems to be correct. Just to make sure, your login is literally just “apikey” right? As indicated in the docs.

The rotating arrow means that the email is not sending out.

You can also try starttls (port 587) if tls and none does not work.

You need smtp_login and smtp_password there. Not sure what that is for Sendgrid however. It might be your accoint sername/email and the API key. Sendgrid probably has docs for their SMTP server.

Click “All Columns” on the top right.

I don’t think there’s a fixed aspect ratio or resolution size for community banners. But your instance might have resolution or file size limits for uploading photos. You can ask your instance admin about it.

I like the idea. I think we need more niche-interest instances like,, (yours),,,, (ours), etc as their respective admins understand the needs and issues of their communities better. Also we already have so many generic and tech instances to choose from.

You aren’t hosting any of the images from federated instances

Images sometimes cache and create a copy locally. Sometimes they don’t. I don’t actually know when or under what conditions they cache. disabled new community creations. You need to join a different instance that has community creation enabled.

Whoops! I missed a letter. But yes that’s the one.

TheMovieDB and Open Movie Database are popular alternatives but not FOSS IIRC. LibreMD is a FOSS front end for IMDB.

I wouldn’t like it. I felt like Threads wasn’t going to interact much with Lemmy in the first place and it would’ve been a Mastodon-only problem. Extending it to have a “Reddit-like mode” will it make it significantly worse for us.