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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Yeah. Though I’m more partial to the offshoot project https://overte.org/ Unfortunately though I think it’s another example of how far these sorts of projects are from feature parity with more established closed platforms.

Really exciting to see someone working on this. Though my immediate reaction is - not skepticism. Concern maybe? Similar projects in the past have hit walls in scope creep, lack of funding, and ocassionally lack of direction or differentiation. A truly well rounded social VR platform is far more complex than meets the eye. Even neosvr/resonite has run into large slowdowns and difficulties in stealing public adoption away from the totally centralized and closed behemoth that is vrchat. More recently I was sad to see Thirdroom (based on matrix) abandon development. Still, all the best to the project and I will definitely follow it closely.