Downvotes rewarded with hugs.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 30, 2023


Exactly. A logo isn’t meant to work at 11 point size in the middle of inline text. The typographical argument is nonsense, and I think this proposal is really a reaction to the idiotic “Satanic panic” over the rainbow pentacle.

There already is a symbol for the fediverse:

This has existed for years already, is used widely, and IMHO looks way better than this dull attempt. I see no good argument in the campaign website for using this new one instead.

Does Nitter still work for you? Because several instances officially closed when “Twitter blocked the last known way to access their network without a user account” (quoted from

Yeah well, there are surveillance reasons you don’t want to rely on services based in the USA.

I’m sympathetic to a lot of Balkan’s points but somehow everything he’s involved in is overshadowed by his belligerent online persona. Stop picking fights, dude, and get shit done instead.

“A bit better than the official Mastodon app” isn’t high praise, though. Kudos to Eugen and all other devs for the work on the Mastodon server but their mobile app is absolute shite.

Seeing the hero image I feared this would be another STEM-only research community, but I’m glad to see it’s targeted broadly enough that the humanities can also benefit from it.

In terms of Mastodon I guess you could chime in on the github feature request?

Probably exactly like O’Reilly’s other instructional books. The post says that the first two chapters are already available on their learning platform.

There is certainly a Venn diagram overlap of larger instances and bored idiots drunk replying over the weekend. Maybe there is a better moderation on smaller instances due to less “noise” (I can’t be arsed to look up how small shitjustworks is, relative to lemmyworld)?