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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


If I remember, I’m gonna look into that tomorrow when I’m not on a phone screen. Not that I could contribute anything, but this seems like a good opportunity to learn some advanced stuff. Thanks for your answer!

Damn, so many joins :/

How could this monster be optimized though?

You’re right, I didn’t look at the usernames and thought you were op, arguing that we don’t need governments and can go back to tribes. Sorry :/

So you want to reduce humanity by 99%? Because hunter gatherer lifestyle isn’t sustainable with more than 100 million people.

Oh and you also want to go back to a life expectancy of 40 years, barely any useful medicine, exorbitant child mortality, countless women dying at birth and the constant fear that your surroundings will kill you.

Sounds great!