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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023

Build Submitted to Apple - 0.1 - That swipe tho 🤌
In order to get up to speed with the people that are coming here without TestFlight, I've submitted a build to Apple with all of the current features and fixes. I'd anticipate this to take about 24 hours, but it's possible it will be reviewed today. Apple is weird. I've had things get approved in like 8 hours on Saturdays before, so there's a chance it will happen today. I'll update you all when that happens. Improvements and additions: - New icon and options for changing icon color - New and improved swipe animation (by the way, this is better than the last update *wink*) - Improvements to image viewer (double tap works now too) - Performance enhancments throughout the app - Hide read posts - Images in comments - Collapsible posts - Default comment sort - All of the "Top" sort options - Show a loading modal while downloading images - Added a manage accounts button to accounts dropdown - Add option for reader in webview - Settings improvements - Added embark theme - Added buttons in comments for upvoting and replying - Adjustments to splashscreen - Username doesn't link to user profile in compact mode now - Add option to use the default browser instead of in-app browser Fixes: - Fix issues with toast not changing color or disappearing - Fix cake day showing the wrong year - Fix issue where links with an internal IP address would ask for permission to local network - Fix issues with account disappearing after app launch - Read icon now uses the correct color - Fix crash caused when pressing Matrix links - Fix crash when searching for a community with an @ at the end If any of these issues are bothering you now, rest assured they will be fixed for you quite soon.

Memmy Version 0.1.0 - Here is what is fixed, changing, and being added to the upcoming App Store release
Edit: Other features that were not on the list: - Hide read posts (with a button) - Collapsible posts - Images in comments - Default comment sort - All of the "Top" sort options - Fixed issues with askign for local permissions: See these commits for what caused this: https://github.com/Memmy-App/memmy/commit/5a1ed47fd92f76c6b0931e4b2e5700584ee469d8 https://github.com/Memmy-App/memmy/commit/cdf9421e4955f7c93af0e750612e9db3dc4d6c61 Hey all! For all of the testers, we have submitted a 0.1 build to TestFlight that needs to get approved. These usually only take a few hours unlike a full store release which usually takes 12-24 hours, so expect that here soon. First, let me detail what is already fixed in the current TestFlight version and will be in the next store release: - Sharing images inside of the image viewer will now download the image to be shared as an image, not as a link - Link helper respects the theme and uses the URL keyboard for the link - The post viewport should respect keyboard height and fill the remainder of the space - Read icon now uses the correct theme/accent color (thanks ktgd) - All /c/community links should now work (thanks ktgd) - The last account you used is now remembered (thanks jderose) - Search will automatically take you to the community or user if you include the @instance - All refresh controls will respect the theme (no longer invisible) - Added top hour, top six hours, and top twelve hours (I need to add them to defaults, I’ll do that here in a bit) - Fixed image save/share not being present in compact mode - Made sure that images that are both present in the URL and in the body of the post don’t show up twice - Profile reload issues (i.e. if it fails to load) *should* be fixed - Link info not displaying in posts is now fixed - Blur respects the current theme - Voting on a post in search now reflects that vote - Modifications to the profile screen. This will help with load times when all you’re doing is looking at someone’s profile - Performance improvements in the feed - Performance improvements in comments - Collapsing large comment chains no longer causes freeze/crash - Performance improvements in profile - Performance improvements in inbox Here are the things being addressed that will be making their way into 0.1 TestFlight builds and should be available on the store either on Friday or Saturday: - New swipe animation. Much improved, more performant, and without the visual bugs we have right now - Error reporting. You'll get actual error messages now instead of the generic error codes Lemmy sends - Markdown enhancements. Pictures in comments should be there, and more than one image in a post will be shown - Editing or deleting a post - Improvements to image viewer. I cannot PROMISE that swiping through images (like a gallery) will be there but I CAN promise that there shouldn't be any further issues with swipe to dismiss or issues with swiping to close some images - Also, iPad users shouldn't have issues with viewing images in landscape mode anymore - Other improvements (I'll list them as we add them) - Other bug fixes (Same thing, I will list them as I add them) Things to note: I've seen some issues with subscriptions not showing up in the Traverse screen. I think this is a server issue, but I will verify that to be sure. I am experiencing this on Lemmy.ml and I think others are experiencing it on Lemm.ee. I wonder if a recent update (lemmy.ml seems to have updated) caused this. I also noticed that my upvote count on the profile has changed, not sure what that might be because of... For issues, I strongly suggest reporting them on GitHub: https://github.com/memmy-app/memmy While Sean and I do try to go through posts here, it's ***MUCH*** more difficult than it is on GitHub. We have an internal issue tracker that syncs with GitHub that we use to triage and develop roadmaps. It's hard to do that with posts here. Thanks for all of the INCREDIBLE support over the past day from you guys!

PSA: Memmy Community Rules and Roadmap
Hey all. I want to do two things in this post. I'll get the first one out of the way real quick. ## Community Rules While I appreciate all the support and fun, I'd like for us to not attack or belittle, or make fun of any of the other apps or developers that are being made. Even if a comment *could* be interpreted as doing so, I'd rather us not share that content. This obviously cannot be controlled by me outside of this community, but I'd like to emphasize that I think we should follow this behavior *as a Lemmy community*. There may be features of Memmy that are superior right now to those in other apps, and I am certain there are features in other apps that are superior to those in Memmy. The thing that matters is we are *all* working toward making a more accessible, friendly, and fun way to access Lemmy, and that is something that will help this community grow. There's a reason that there were *multiple* successful iOS and Android apps for Reddit. There's a reason that even with an official Mastodon app, there are other apps that interact with Mastodon as well. No single developer can create **THE** app that will appeal to every user. I can't do that, nor can anyone else. So let's keep the spirit up for *all* the devs and work on this as a team. With that said, here are some ground rules. ## Rules 1. Be polite. 2. Don't start drama or anything that could be perceived as starting drama. 3. Don't trash talk, belittle, or joke about the work of other developers. This doesn't mean you can't say "I like this feature in X better than in Y". That's fine. But let's not start with "lol I had to delete that app it was garbage, idk wtf they are doing over there..." 4. Try to stay in-scope. Everything so far has been fine. Keep all the feature requests and bug info coming (although bug reports should mainly be posted to GitHub as it is much easier to view and triage there) I might update this if I think of anything else, but that's pretty much it. I'm also not saying that anyone **DID** do anything like this, but I saw some content that could have been **PERCEIVED** as such. ## Roadmap We are looking at an MVP release to the App Store being submitted before the 1st. It will be either tomorrow or day after tomorrow. I am not sure how long it will take for review, but I'd give it a range of 12 hours (unlikely) to two days (maybe even longer). After this MVP gets released, we will start implementing community feature requests. All of the posts you guys are making here and on GitHub *are not* going unread. We will figure out which ones we need to prioritize, which ones we *want* to prioritize, and which ones can be pushed back. We will release a detailed roadmap of this soon. We have fixed all of the issues with crashes and that update will be released within the next day on TestFlight. We have also done the following: 1. Revamped the community/subscriptions screen 2. Created an interactive onboarding process for new users who don't know about Lemmy. It will help with picking an instance, give you details about the instances you can join, etc. Full .18.1 captcha support. 3. Cleaned up some more theme issues and UI issues. 4. Added editing of posts/comments I think this is enough to give us an MVP for release. At the very least, I want to get something to Apple that they can put through the initial review process so that we can make sure we are fully compliant with their rules.

This is what I think will get people to actually start migrating over to these platforms. You can enjoy the type of platform you like but consume the content of all of them.