• 3 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Apr 18, 2021


I am sorry! It is already packaged! I messed it up, I dont know why but I was looking for “ganzio” instead of “gancio”. Thanks for the offering though!!

cool. the problem I have is ganzio is not yet on yunohost, which is the server software (for dummies) that I use

looks wonderful! do you know of the differences or why you would recommend gancio over mobilizon?

Mobilizon v/s Nextcloud (v/s other?) for a network of people event calendar
I have been given the task of finding a proper platform for building a network of education, medical and other initiatives in my country, that have all the same focus (I am sorry I can't give details yet on the project, but you could probably could get a grasp of the idea if you think in something like a church whose attendants have a lot of different church-related initiatives) Until this day, there are only isolated, individual projects, but we want a network that connects them all. So I think we will be setting up a fediverse instance for this (Still trying to decide between Pixelfed, Mastodon and Firefish), but, before that, we need to solve a simpler issue: a Calendar of Events. The idea would be that different users can add their events and all these get inside one single calendar (and you can filter by categories, etc.) Would mobilizon be the best fit for this? because at first I was thinking in making a nextcloud install, wich could satisfy the events calendar need and could also give some other services. What do you think? thanks!

I’m sorry, I think I didn’t explain well my motivations. First of all, as many of you also are, I am a libre software and ethical platforms promoter. I am always looking for ways to help people migrate, for example, form instagram to pixelfed and the fediverse. It is difficult, mostly because of the network effect, so we need groups that are willing to make the change. Sometimes I help people and communities with their IT issues ad honorem, but in exchange I ask them to use and promote libre/ethical platforms. So, the other day I was thinking… what if, instead of trying to find how to make people move to the fediverse, we promote the fediverse as a platform for solving a need people are nowadays having? And it turns out I found a lot of people wanting a minimal website with minimum hassle. Instagram was not designed for websites, and the hindrances it intentionally has, make it a much worse platform thaan what a static site or a even a CMS site would be. But a lot of people and businesses use Instagram as their main “website”. So, the thing is, what if for example I could set up an instance, in which I provide premium support to “clients”, and I could even charge for this! (I am not thinking in making money, but where I live, although it sounds stupid, people sometimes value more what is paid than another “free” web platform.) And I give them their minimal space for posting their things with an easy interface. They will get the interactions with peoples as a plus. They will see they won’t have ads nor need to have an instagram account. Maybe this will help boost peoples migration to the fediverse. Pixelfed for example is perfect for artists… it offers a portfolio feature. But for other kinds of business, we need something more like facebook pages. Firefish (ex calckey) has pages functionality… I don’t know… I am just thinking out loud.

Yeah, I understand the logic… but what about if we break this barriers? They don’t really need a forum. Just a couple of static posts plus a microblogging would be enough. The ability of having interactions directly with the community would be a plus. I am not thinking only on solving their needs, but on proposing the fediverse as a solution to an actual problem so that we get more migrations.

The other way around would be to use something like https://neocities.org or https://silex.me or maybe even https://codeberg.page/

Yeah they are on google maps (sadly needed) and openstreetmap, and they actually do have a wordpress (I am thinking of a restaurant) but they really don’t need so much. And they wanna quit hosting because they’ve had a lot of people as intermediaries taking advantage and charging a lot and the hassle of hosting migration etc. I love Drupal architecture though, but it is too much for the minimal needs.

Yes I’ve tried them and they could be used but aren’t really made for a corporate website

Yes. could be. I am trying to promote the fediverse as much as possible so maybe I am overly doing it. What about just a minimal ethical/privacy friendly hosted service to put your data on? people use facebook or instagram, but they really could do with something so much lighter.

Looking for fediverse platform for a minimal corporate website.
Some friends have websites. I encourage them to do. But they have them only to publish contact info, opening times, and a couple of photos of their business. What would be the best fediverse platform for this? Of course being able to post/toot news every now and then, is also a good feature.

best fediverse solution for a project/corporate /entrepreneurship page
I know everybody with a project should have their own website and then federate to social networks. But people have become lazy in this sense and they hold their projects inside instagram. Ok, they could use pixelfed instead, but IG/PF are not the best fit for holding a project (for example your artistic/therapeutic/whatever entrepreneurship), facebook pages is kinda better. A blogspot could probably be a better fit (I'm thinking of people that would feel very complicated on building/hosting a proper website), or silex or neocities but, is there something that would work like this somewhere on the fediverse? Thanks!