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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


They don’t even need to win the case. They just need to bully the smaller person until they go bankrupt and shut down.

That’s kind of the crux of a lot of these things. The instructions make it look really simple to install, but if you’ve never done this before then I could understand it being confusing. There was this teeny tiny line in the middle of some pictures that says someone will help you set them up I think.

More notably, Radio Free Fedi has been incredibly proactive, offering a free service to help Fedi musicians host their own Faircamp sites on RadioFreeFedi’s infrastructure.

It looks like you just ask them for help and send them some of your songs and they’ll handle the setup.


I’d probably suggest having a dedicated machine. You don’t need anything fancy, I’d imagine any old laptop should do.

It’s essentially software to convert your machine into a basic web server, so if the laptop disconnects now nobody can download your stuff. And I assume you don’t keep your laptop on 24/7