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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


Cellphones and streaming devices often have extremely limited space allowed for caching content and aren’t designed for serving content but are heavily used for consuming content. Most younger users aren’t watching YouTube from a browser, it’s mostly coming from phones and streaming devices. Android may be less stringent but Apple is very aggresive in how the caching can be used and managed.

. Additionally because cell phone usage is often 99.99% used to download and bandwidth on a cell services is generally treated as aggregate they will often only Qos tcp acks and heavily deprioritize literally everything else to make room for download bandwidth.

How does that work for people using things like cell phones and or streaming devices or those behind cgnat such as many cell carriers use?

A lot of folks that use services like YouTube are not doing so on devices equipped to donate bandwidth.

I mean just some basic calculations. 10 minute video at 1080p running 8 Mbps compression.

That’s 600 MB per video in bandwidth.

Times that by….30,000 streams and boom. 18 TB of data. And that’s probably not even “viral.”

Even if fully decentralized. Many vps providers and isp have bandwidth limits. One video on your self hosted channel goes viral and boom. Instance is down.

Every “mainstream” (ie: not tech focused) source I have seen discussing threads has been keenly missing the whole federation component and focused on it being a twitter replacement competition.

The whole federation thing is probably too abstract for most.