“That’s how I knew it was the first day; wig-twistin’ season, where some can get they wigs twisted back within reason.”

https://readsettlers.org || No compromise, no retreat. || I don’t debate crackers, I just drag 'em

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 10, 2023


Paywalled article; nuke it and move on unless there’s either an archive link or a rehost on somewhere that doesn’t cater to capitalists

Who said ‘mad’? I asked you a question; "do you really think you have any latitude". Can’t say your response surprises me either. I think your privilege absolutely disqualifies you from speaking without immense disclaimer-- which you didn’t provide-- because you people can never be trusted to even properly parse the difference between prejudice and racism in definition, theory, or practice; so why should I trust you to properly define what is and isn’t ‘gentrification’? Especially considering the list of cities you give only gives me even more reason to believe you’ve participated in meatspace gentrification just as eagerly as you preach it over here? Tuhhhhhh.

Fact of the matter is, you and your little redditor weasel friends have done an admirable job at scuzzing the place up in State Department rot and water-bearing for all manner of genociders, war criminals, and merchants of death-- Meta included among at least two of three in that count. Their presence alone on the fediverse spreads that same Five-Eyed rot. That you either can’t perceive, or won’t perceive that, leads me to believe that yes. ‘Gentrification’ is exactly what they’re doing. What you’re doing. Just virtual this time; and if you believe corporate takeover of the digital commons doesn’t count, you’d just be proving my point even more about your lack of standing or right to speak on the subject. They will embrace, extend, and then extinguish the fediverse as we know it, and expect you to pay for what comes after. Enjoy your dystopia, settler. You’re no longer invited to discuss with me; not 'til you’ve done any kind of meaningful self-crit and preferentially some objective learning about the sociological place from which you speak.

I get what you’re trying to say, but also don’t think it’s an appropriate metaphor.

You’re also screamingly White; do you really think you have any latitude, any ground to opine on what is and isn’t gentrification when the odds err closer to 1 that you’ve uncritically participated in this process before?

Y’know, if I had a watch on, I’d be looking at my wrist really condescendingly right about now.

Gross. Keep that settler genocidaire on the Meta side of the fence; if I have to see his shit turn up in my feed I’m gonna get about as ugly to him and his homies as he’s been to the Black population of this country ever since the motherfucker became a senator.

When they have a track record like this?

ZUCK: yea so if you ever need info about anyone at harvard

ZUCK: just ask

ZUCK: i have over 4000 emails, pictures, addresses, sns

FRIEND: what!? how’d you manage that one?

ZUCK: people just submitted it

ZUCK: i don’t know why

ZUCK: they “trust me”

ZUCK: dumb fucks

Ounce of prevention > pound of cure; or in Meta’s case, imperial fucktonne of cure.

A community index of servers added a new rule recently, that requires every participant to defederate from Threads.

You ain’t lied there, that’s for sure

What? I stand with the Chinese people against their oppressors. Criticism of an oppressive State is not criticism of its victims.

Said the anglo, eagerly parroting his three-letter-agency masters with his hands on his pearls and a breathless huff to his diction. I have never seen such eager catamites for fuckin genociders in my life; is this what living in Weimar Germany was like?

God I hope Big E’s gonna be alright after the bullshit that happened to his neck

Either a nonce or a horsefucker, if their streamer-daddy’s any meterstick to measure by

You mean like that time white landowners firebombed Tulsa in response to Black Wall Street’s creation and thriving? Or how about the time a PD in Philadelphia did the same thing to the MOVE Black liberation group some sixty or so years later? This shit keeps happening and the settlers think they have any room or moral high ground to talk shit 💀💀💀💀💀

just as im free to roll my eyes and say that the world deserves a better class of socialist.

Pfft, like you?

Mmmh, delicious; forum snitch knishes

just as im free to roll my eyes and say that the world deserves a better class of socialist.

I appreciate good-faith chatters like you. Don’t change.

Yeah no, my support of Putin is critical at best, and only because Ukraine is the last piece of the puzzle NATO needs to assemble to have Russia at checkmate gunpoint. Allowing the Five-Eyed Empire to genocide more innocent civilians is not how we solve the Putin problem.

Our problem here is, we have a guy here who stands against the voice of the people, decrying populism as “a horrible idea” like all our favorite Amerikan neoliberals; replaces “the imperial core” with ‘the civilized world’ in casual parlance, indicating a virulent and toxic western chauvinism at best and outright white supremacy at worst; an uncritical gamer too, so I’m erring more toward the latter than the former, I could go on til Nimrod’s release day honestly.

Hardly; I’ve never known actual communists who uncritically supported that man. It’s always critical support, at best– which is to say, he may do some things correct, but he’s still an absolute affront to what came before, and honestly a problem Amerika themselves created. Advocating for wanting to kill a man in the midst of denazifying a NATO-backed neighbor, out of self-defense from NATO encirclement though; that’s beyond the pale, as is everything else I’ve found regarding that member’s carriage.

He’s such a fantastic moron, I already read this dog down for filth.

More like strangulated by libs who need to move back to .world. Iunno how dessalines or nutomic tolerate some of these mfs.
