Yet another Reddit refugee from the great 3rd party app purge of 2023. This account is mostly for learning how Lemmy works and may be purged once I get around to hosting my own instance.

Obligatory fuck /u/Spez.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Wish I knew. Their DNS record is still up on NameCheap and it’s not like there is zero server at all (domain not found), my browser resolves the name fine so its being refreshed, it just never loads any data when I browse to it.

Maybe their backend fell over and their admin hasn’t realized it yet. Idk.

Cant browse directly. Appears to be offline and gone.

If your account is on… sucks to suck. Hurry up and wait. Maybe ping their admins in and see if the database just rekt your account in particular and maybe they can fix it, but don’t expect a response. Don’t rely on single huge instances to ever be stable, lemmy is still a fledgling beta software!

If you’re using accounts from a different instance and are trying to interact with communities on, use different (ideally smaller) instances that may not be generating so much federation traffic and will have a better chance of getting through.

I dont know what that “account not ready” error specifically means, i just know that has been dying more often than not. is so drastically overloaded right now that their backend is constantly falling over. They grew too fast and outgrew their/Lemmy’s ability to scale resources. It’s not you, they’re just broken, and likely will continue to be broken for the foreseeable future.