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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


The reason (IMO) this has languished as much as it has, is that most sites handle this fine; though I agree that it should have been fixed by now.

If they don’t want to pay to fix it, they can just block the user agent (or just fix their website, this issue is affecting them so much mainly because they don’t cache).

Relying on the competence of unaffiliated developers is not a good way to run a business.

Why should they? The users of a free software project aren’t entitled to anything.

If users want to dictate priorities they should become developers, and if they can’t/won’t at least try to support them financially.

I’m sure an affected website could have paid a web developer to find a solution to this issue in the past 7 years if it was that important to them.

They also state their opinion that the issue “should have been prioritized for a faster fix… Don’t you think as a community-powered, open-source project, it should be possible to attend to a long-standing bug, as serious as this one?”

It’s crazy how every single entity who has any issue with any free software project always seems to assume their needs should be prioritized.

The real issue IMO is that recent events have pretty much proven that both big instances and small instances are problematic for different reasons.

Damn first vlemmy.net (my original instance) dies, and now one of the largest is hacked…

Just go to lemmy.world and see for yourself. (Or don’t actually, might give you a virus or something idk)