• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


Very compressed image, unfortunately

I think this is an event called Tractor Pulling- it only has to go in a straight line until the trailer digs itself so far into the dirt it can’t be pulled anymore.

you don’t really have to break any instance/community rules to have your comments removed by the admin.

Based on that I assume you didn’t actually read beehaws rules so I’ll take your post with industrial-sized bucket of road-salt

Swedish! that makes sense, it means the same in danish.

What language is this, danish?

An insect ruined my long exposure but turned out to have created an even cooler shot after a little bit of cropping and white balance.

I am perfectly aware but I still don’t understand why that matters. If I were to hold myself to such a standard as to never use code written by people whom I don’t like, even if it is justified, then I might as well go ahead and join the Amish because I can never touch a computer again.

I love the light reflecting off the water!

What is there to be conflicted about? If you don’t want them to process your images, you should just tell them.

I really like the composition, actually. I think it does something nice.