
I am here to talk about Sports, Computers, Rock & Roll.
Software developper. #SFCC for a living.
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Joined 7Y ago
Cake day: Apr 26, 2017


@henry @YoTcA the way each application handles federation is a bit different. Sure, you have the same content, buy it would be presented differently. Depending on the application goal, the presentation is more tailored to a particular way of interaction and content.

@raresbears @Bicyclejohn lack of activity in Lemmy is changing. I noticed more activity lately.

@CannotSleep420 @super_user_do we can use for example @pixelfed instead since it has the same feature set.

@CannotSleep420 @super_user_do I can’t see your point. The point of fedi is to not be locked to a single implementation. If one software is proprietary and does not allow you to host your own, you can just use another you like. Since all actors interoperate regardless of software they use, then it does not matter if you cannot host your own Instagram.