• 19 Posts
Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: Apr 17, 2019

Anyone looking for a fun small rust project? Create a crate for cleaning urls, based on the ClearUrls project
This would entail: - Pulling in the [ClearUrls rules](https://github.com/ClearURLs/Rules) as a git submodule. - Reading / transforming the json there into Rust structs. - Creating a Rust crate that runs a `.clean(input_url) -> String` Lemmy issue: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/4905

With a few more additions, lemmy could serve as a good replacement. We already have a Forum / NewComments sort which is perfect for question / answer type communities. We could add a feature to make default sorts for specific communities, so they would feel less fast, or possibly a sort that brings zero comment posts (IE meaning unanswered), to the top.

The reputation and “accepted answer” features from SO are a lot less important than threaded comments can be, especially since questions often need new answers every year, making the “accepted answer” pointless.

Half the comments in this thread are the exact same as when we started working on a reddit alternative lol. “I don’t see why you’re doing this, reddit works fine for me.”

Also I’m pretty stunned that more people aren’t aware of wikipedia’s many scandals and issues. I suppose if you use a site every day and don’t see what’s going on behind the scenes, you don’t seek these things out.

Everyone should see how incredibly important this project is, and its potential. Wikipedia is yet another US-controlled and domiciled site, with a history of bribery, scandals, and links to the US state department. It has a near-monopoly on information in many languages, and its reach extends far outside US borders. Federation allows the possibility of connecting to other servers, collaborating on articles, forking articles, and maintaining your own versions, in a way that wikipedia or even a self-hosted mediawiki doesn’t.

Also ibis allows limited / niche wikis, devoted to specific fields, which is probably the biggest use-case I can see for Ibis early on.

Congrats on a first release!

From my discussion with some beehaw admins and sublinks devs, a problem is they they feel like their code contributions will not even be accepted

They’ve never opened a single PR, whilst the github shows us merging tons of PRs from third parties, so that seems like negative speculation on their part.

For example showing voting totals.

The lemmy API already has open vote totals on everything (score, upvote, downvote), and I also made a PR adding a user preference setting for how to display scores for your user.

I believe there’s an open issue for a plugin framework, but that would need to be fully worked out. If it’s just simple preferences, there are tons of sample PRs to learn from.

I’m quite confused about some people’s adverseness to learning Rust; it’s been the voted the most favorite developer language for many years in a row now (for good reason), rust frameworks frequently top the fastest web server benchmarks now, and every real developer has to learn new languages and frameworks every few months to keep up to speed anyway. Just as an example, I was waiting for a messageease(an android keyboard) replacement, and nothing came close. I taught myself kotlin, and android programming, and made one, and I’m an incredibly slow learner and middling programmer.

The difference between open source vs paid-for software, and the lack of articulation of what entitlement is (and the harm it causes contributors to open source projects), is one of the root reasons for a lot of frustrations this past week. We’ve even added a specific no entitlement clause to our code of conduct a few days ago to try to avoid this in the future.

In short, entitlement is insulting or demanding behavior towards anyone for not doing what you want them to do, or not doing it fast enough.

Lemmy is developed by 2-4 devs, but used by >40k ppl. This massive disparity means it is absolutely impossible for us to solve every issue, and please everyone.

We make no demands on anyone, and don’t force anyone to use lemmy, and encourage ppl to do the open source thing, and improve / work on issues we don’t have time for. We gladly review PRs, as anyone can transparently see on the github.

Some of the beehaw admins on the other hand, are making demands, whilst refusing to do the open source thing and help add the features they’d like added. At this stage we’ve come to an impasse, where they’ll likely just move to another platform, where the developers of that new platform will experience the exact same entitlement timeline: request for features, frustration that they’re not getting completed fast enough, lashing out at developers, a similar developer response, then burnout for all parties.

The only way forward is for people to realize that entitlement has no place in open source, and that making demands on other people is not acceptable for any party.

Thank you so much for writing this, it articulated a lot of things I’ve been thinking about this past week. So many of us are all spending our most valuable resource, time, trying make this a better place, in whatever way we can, and none of these 4 groups (some of us are members of more than one) deserve any vitriol or negativity for their efforts. We all need to think about ways we can reduce that negativity, and not all of them can be fixed with computer code, or at the admin level. We all need to improve how we interact with people, and treat them the way we’d like to be treated, with a view towards their well-being.

I’d like to follow your good example, and send out my genuine thanks to all the users, admins, developers, those doing server support, and contributors in any form to lemmy, and it’s ecosystem of apps and tools. Members of all of these groups are absolutely vital, and this place is only possible because of our cooperation.

I appreciate it, Thank you. It can seem pretty thankless to put so much time into something that you hope is making the world a (slightly) better place, only to have a few people get angry that this free public good you’re providing, isn’t up to their high standards (and they’re not willing to help fix it).

We gain nothing from you using Lemmy. It’s free software, a free meal that we’re providing freely to anyone as a public service.

Don’t like it? Don’t eat it!

We will never block third party tools, and will always have an open API.

One of the PRs I’ve been working on, is an interface to view your image uploads and delete them. This is not trivial, but will probably be in the next release.

The thing that really gets me with these, is that we are 2-4 devs working on software used by over 40k ppl. It is absolutely impossible to please everyone, and fix every issue, there just isn’t enough of us.

Oftentimes we ask for ppl to do the open source thing, and contribute a PR, and many of them do.

Anyone can look at our github profiles and see how busy we’ve been, and how many moderation related issues we’ve been working on, this is all out in the open. Yet writers of these articles somehow never bother to look, or reach out to us for questions. The amount of entitlement and second-hand rumors is really dissapointing.

I don’t believe he’s still on it, I worked it out with snowe a few months ago and we apologized to each other. I think the blog post is just bringing up stale drama.

Thx a ton for yall’s support, I really appreciate it. Moderation tools will always be a work in progress, especially with such a complicated distributed system where mod actions need to federate, but we’ll get there.

It is absolutely impossible for 2-4 devs to please everyone in a codebase used by >40k people. If you ran a codebase used by this many people, you’d understand our pain. You cannot make everyone happy.

You want free work, but you don’t want to give your work for free

Check out our github profiles if you think we aren’t doing work. This is easily verifiable.

How can you think that this tiny group of people, fielding the requests of thousands, is entitled? We’re simply requesting that people do the open source thing, and contribute a PR, when we don’t have time to work on an issue. Would you like it if I made you change your priorities and work on what I wanted you to work on?

I appreciate your work in organizing issues and helping to label them, and I’m sorry if I did not give some things proper weight. But are my priorities not my own? Why is this such an affront that I choose what I think is important? Would you like it if I did the same to you, demanded that you change your priorities to do what I want you to do? What if there are thousands of other people asking you the same thing?

Scale is also left out of the equation here. Thousands people are asking 2-4 devs for features. It is simply impossible to please everyone, unless some people do the open source thing, and work on a feature they’d like to have. Many people have and continue to do this, rather than dismissing the project because the small number of developers can’t keep pace with issues.

Responding to false criticism is important. For example you were under the mistaken impression that we reject pull requests or issues, or don’t care about moderation? All of those are provably false. Look at all the moderation PRs I’ve closed in the past MONTH alone. This is all easily verifiable if you go to our github accounts and see what we’re working on.

You also heard second hand that the sublinks developer is making sublinks because they got a bad reception from us, or were told that we’d reject features? They’ve never opened a single issue or PR.

Your post seems to mostly be 2nd-hand rumors from people who already don’t like us, and not from any people that are actually working on Lemmy. That’s perfectly fine, but it’d be wrong to not address these false criticisms.

Entitlement in open source is a real thing, and you would know our pain if you ran a codebase currently in use by > 40k people monthly. To put so much demands on so few people, entitled to their free labor while contributing nothing back, is a terrible thing to do to a person. It’d be like if I criticized my grandmother’s free meal for it not being to my liking, and demanded she make it my way.

I created the software you’re using right now, and I’m fully aware of how fragile this entire experiment is. We’re going up against a system that can throw nearly unlimited resources in brainpower and money to subvert a system. It takes an astounding level of technocratic arrogance to think that you’re immune to EEE, and that you can outsmart that amount of power.

Excellent post. I’m convinced everyone arguing in favor of letting facebook or twitter into the fediverse, are just ignorant of the these company’s history, and what they’re capable of.

There is exactly zero reason to let a rabid wolf into your house, or say things like, “but what harm can this wolf do???”

Lemmy v0.18.1 Release
## What is Lemmy? Lemmy is a self-hosted social link aggregation and discussion platform. It is completely free and open, and not controlled by any company. This means that there is no advertising, tracking, or secret algorithms. Content is organized into communities, so it is easy to subscribe to topics that you are interested in, and ignore others. Voting is used to bring the most interesting items to the top. ## Major Changes This release includes major improvements to performance, specifically optimizations of database queries. Special thanks to @phiresky, @ruud, @sunaurus and many others for investigating these. Additionally this version includes a fix for another cross-site scripting vulnerability. For these reasons instance admins should upgrade as soon as possible. As promised, captchas are supported again. And as usual there are countless bug fixes and minor improvements, many of them contributed by community members. ## Upgrade instructions Follow the upgrade instructions for [ansible](https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ansible#upgrading) or [docker](https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/administration/install_docker.html#updating). If you need help with the upgrade, you can ask in our [support forum](https://lemmy.ml/c/lemmy_support) or on the [Matrix Chat](https://matrix.to/#/#lemmy-admin-support-topics:discuss.online). ## Support development We (@dessalines and @nutomic) have been working full-time on Lemmy for almost three years. This is largely thanks to support from [NLnet foundation](https://nlnet.nl/). If you like using Lemmy, and want to make sure that we will always be available to work full time building it, consider [donating to support its development](https://join-lemmy.org/donate). No one likes recurring donations, but they've proven to be the only way that open-source software like Lemmy can stay independent and alive.

Lemmy v0.18.0 Release
## What is Lemmy? Lemmy is a self-hosted social link aggregation and discussion platform. It is completely free and open, and not controlled by any company. This means that there is no advertising, tracking, or secret algorithms. Content is organized into communities, so it is easy to subscribe to topics that you are interested in, and ignore others. Voting is used to bring the most interesting items to the top. ## Major Changes ### HTTP API instead of Websocket Until now Lemmy-UI used websocket for all API requests. This has [many disadvantages](https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/2841#issuecomment-1535469357), like making the code harder to maintain, and causing live updates to the site which many users dislike. Most importantly, it requires keeping a connection open between server and client at all times, which causes increased load and makes scaling difficult. That's why we decided to rip out websocket entirely, and switch to HTTP instead. This change was made much more urgent by the sudden influx of new users. [@CannotSleep420](https://lemmygrad.ml/u/CannotSleep420) and [@dessalines](https://lemmy.ml/u/dessalines) have been working hard for the past weeks to implement this change in lemmy-ui. HTTP on its own is already more lightweight than websocket. Additionally it also allows for caching of server responses which can decrease load on the database. Here is an [experimental nginx config](https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ansible/pull/75) which enables response caching. Note that Lemmy doesn't send any cache-control headers yet, so there is a chance that private data gets cached and served to other users. Test carefully and use at your own risk. ### Two-Factor Authentication New support for two-factor authentication. Use an app like [andOTP](https://f-droid.org/es/packages/org.shadowice.flocke.andotp/) or [Authenticator Pro]( https://f-droid.org/packages/me.jmh.authenticatorpro/) to store a secret for your account. This secret needs to be entered every time you login. It ensures that an attacker can't access your account with the password alone. ### Custom Emojis Instance admins can add different images as emojis which can be referenced by users when posting. ### Other changes #### Progressive Web App Lemmy's web client can now be installed on browsers that support PWAs, both on desktop and mobile. It will use an instance's icon and name for the app if they are set, making it look like a given instance is an app. **Note for desktop Firefox users**: the desktop version of Firefox does not have built in support for PWAs. If you would like to use a Lemmy instance as a PWA, use [use this extension](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/pwas-for-firefox/). #### Error Pages Lemmy's web client now has error pages that include resources to use if the problem persists. This should be much less jarring for users than displaying a white screen with the text "404 *error message here*". #### Route Changes Pages that took arguments in the route now take query parameters instead. For example, a link to lemmy.ml's home page with a few options used to look like this: ``` https://lemmy.ml/home/data_type/Post/listing_type/All/sort/Active/page/1 ``` The new route would look like this: ``` https://lemmy.ml?listingType=All ``` Note that you now only have to specify parameters you want instead of all of them. #### Searchable select redesign The searchable selects, such as those used on the search page, have a new look and feel. No more inexplicable green selects when using the lightly themes! #### Share button Posts on the web client now have a share button on supported browsers. This can be used to share posts to other applications quickly and easily. #### Lemmy-UI Overall look and feel lemmy-ui is now upgraded to bootstrap 5, and every component is now much cleaner. Special thanks to [sleepless](https://github.com/SleeplessOne1917), [alectrocute](https://github.com/alectrocute), [jsit](https://github.com/jsit), and many others for their great work on improving and re-organizing lemmy-ui. #### Database optimizations Special thanks to [johanndt](https://github.com/johanndt), for suggesting improvements to Lemmy's database queries. Some of these suggestions have already been implemented, and more are on the way. Query speed is Lemmy's main performance bottleneck, so we really appreciate any help database experts can provide. #### Captchas Captchas are not available in this version, as they need to be reimplemented in a different way. They will be back in 0.18.1, so wait with upgrading if you rely on them. ## Upgrade instructions Follow the upgrade instructions for [ansible](https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ansible#upgrading) or [docker](https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/administration/install_docker.html#updating). If you need help with the upgrade, you can ask in our [support forum](https://lemmy.ml/c/lemmy_support) or on the [Matrix Chat](https://matrix.to/#/!OwmdVYiZSXrXbtCNLw:matrix.org). ## Support development We (@dessalines and @nutomic) have been working full-time on Lemmy for almost three years. This is largely thanks to support from [NLnet foundation](https://nlnet.nl/). If you like using Lemmy, and want to make sure that we will always be available to work full time building it, consider [donating to support its development](https://join-lemmy.org/donate). No one likes recurring donations, but they've proven to be the only way that open-source software like Lemmy can stay independent and alive.

Lemmy v0.17.4 Release
Its been a hectic week everyone, so I apologize that I haven't been as responsive as usual. We realized that we could either spend *all our day* answering questions, or coding to make lemmy better, so we're prioritizing the latter. Reddit caught us right in the middle of one of our larger performance improvements, so I apologize for the instability of instances like this one. But I'm confident that lemmy will improve, especially due to all the new contributors helping out with performance, security fixes, and stability. Please use our the [issue trackers for the various lemmy projects](https://github.com/lemmynet) to report issues, otherwise they will likely get lost. # Call for testers - You can help us test patch releases like this one at https://enterprise.lemmy.ml - We're readying the `0.18.0` release soon, you can help us test at https://voyager.lemmy.ml , and https://ds9.lemmy.ml - App devs should use voyager.lemmy.ml to test and prepare for `0.18.0`, which should come in the next few weeks. The API changes and new types can be seen [here](https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-js-client/compare/release/v0.17...main). - `0.18.0` should give servers a big performance boost by removing websockets and switching entirely to HTTP. It also will add a lot of features like 2fa / TOTP.

Perseus: A state-driven web development framework for Rust with full support for server-side rendering and static generation.
Seems really neat, basically the next.js but for rust. Based on sycamore, a web-ui library for rust. Looks like it does well in the framework benchmarks too. https://krausest.github.io/js-framework-benchmark/2023/table_chrome_110.0.5481.77.html

Lemmy Release v0.17.2
Mostly bugfixes. [Changelog](https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/blob/main/RELEASES.md#lemmy-v0172-release-2023-02-22)

Lemmy Release v0.17.0
Its been a long time coming 🥳 . Excerpt from the link: ## Major Changes ### Language Tags Content can now be tagged to indicate the language it is written in. These tags can be used to filter content, so that you only see posts in languages which you actually understand. Instances and communities can also specify which languages are allowed, and prevent posting in other languages. In the future this will also allow for integrated translation tools. ### Comment trees Lemmy has changed the way it stores comments, in order to be able to properly limit the comments shown to a maximum depth. Included are proper comment links (`/comment/id`), where you can see its children, a count of its hidden children, and a _context_ button to view its parents, or the post. ### Featured posts Admins and mods can now "feature" (this used to be called "sticky" ala reddit) posts to the top of either a community, or the top of the front page. This makes possible announcement and bulletin-type posts. Special thanks to @makotech for adding this feature. ### Federation Lemmy users can now be followed. Just visit a user profile from another platform like Mastodon, and click the follow button, then you will receive new posts and comments in the timeline. Votes are now federated as private. This prevents other platforms from showing who voted on a given post, and it also means that Lemmy now counts votes from Mastodon. This release also improves compatibility with Pleroma. If you previously had trouble interacting between Pleroma and Lemmy, give it another try. We've extracted the main federation logic into its own library, [activitypub-federation-rust](https://github.com/LemmyNet/activitypub-federation-rust). It is open source and can be used by other projects to implement Activitypub federation, without having to reinvent the wheel. The library helps with handling HTTP signatures, sending and receiving activities, fetching remote objects and more. ### Other changes - Admins can now purge content and pictures from the database. - Mods can _distinguish_ a comment, "stickying" it to the top of a post. Useful for mod messages and announcements. - Number of new / unread comments are now shown for each post. - Lemmy now automatically embeds videos from Peertube, Youtube and other sites which provide an embed link via Opengraph attribute. - You can give your site "taglines", short markdown messages, which are shown at the top of your front page. Thanks to @makotech for adding this. - You can now report private messages. - Most settings have been moved from the config file into the database. This means they can be updated much easier, and apply immediately without a restart. - When setting up a new Lemmy instance, it doesn't create a default community anymore. Instead this needs to be done manually. - Admins can choose to receive emails for new registration applications. - An upgrade of diesel to v2.0, our rust -> postgres layer.

Lemmy upgrade tomorrow (or wednesday), and we'll have a few hours of downtime.
We're getting ready to release a new version of Lemmy, which will require a database upgrade, so we'll have a few hours of downtime.

Tantivy 0.10.0 - A rust search engine
Tantivy 0.10.0 is released. [Tantivy](https://github.com/tantivy-search/tantivy) is a search engine library inspired by Lucene. It is already [fast](https://tantivy-search.github.io/bench/). I think it is fair to say this release does not contain any major changes, considering the amount of time since last release. Life have been pretty busy, and a large amount of my tantivy time is spent answering emails/issues/messages nowadays. Fortunately, tantivy now has a lot of contributors that can help polish the project into a great search engine library. Kudos to @hntd187, @petr-tik, @fdb-hiroshima, @kompass, @uvd, and @drusellers for the great work! Thanks also to all of the [patreons](https://www.patreon.com/fulmicoton) : Colin, Florian, Frederik, Nate, Sanghyeon, Stephen and Zane! Any kind of support -communication, code, patreon- really helps tantivy! Here goes the changelog : Tantivy 0.10.0 ===================== *Tantivy 0.10.0 index format is compatible with the index format in 0.9.0.* - Added an API to easily tweak or entirely replace the default score. See `TopDocs::tweak_score`and `TopScore::custom_score` (@pmasure l) - Added an ASCII folding filter (@drusellers) - Bugfix in `query.count` in presence of deletes (@pmasurel) - Added `.explain(...)` in `Query` and `Weight` to (@pmasurel) - Added an efficient way to `delete_all_documents` in `IndexWriter` (@petr-tik). All segments are simply removed. Minor --------- - Switched to Rust 2018 (@uvd) - Small simplification of the code. Calling .freq() or .doc() when .advance() has never been called on segment postings should panic from now on. - Tokens exceeding `u16::max_value() - 4` chars are discarded silently instead o f panicking. - Fast fields are now preloaded when the `SegmentReader` is created. - `IndexMeta` is now public. (@hntd187) - `IndexWriter` `add_document`, `delete_term`. `IndexWriter` is `Sync`, making i t possible to use it with a ` Arc<RwLock<IndexWriter>>`. `add_document` and `delete_term` can only require a read lock. (@pmasurel) - Introducing `Opstamp` as an expressive type alias for `u64`. (@petr-tik) - Stamper now relies on `AtomicU64` on all platforms (@petr-tik) - Bugfix - Files get deleted slightly earlier - Compilation resources improved (@fdb-hiroshima) ## How to update? Your program should be usable as is. ### Fast fields Fast fields used to be accessed directly from the `SegmentReader`. The API changed, you are now required to acquire your fast field reader via the `segment_reader.fast_fields()`, and use one of the typed method: - `.u64()`, `.i64()` if your field is single-valued ; - `.u64s()`, `.i64s()` if your field is multi-valued ; - `.bytes()` if your field is bytes fast field.