Avatar by the amazing Arsbin@mastodon.art

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


I’m gonna play Devil’s Advocate here…

What’s to stop them from scraping the Fediverse without federating? If they really want the data, they could very well find a way. At least they’re spelling it out here and announced an attempt at proper federation.

Yeah, I’m on The Site Formerly Known As Twitter for artists, not gossip. Fortunately, the artist who drew my avatar (and who is a dear friend, Arsbin) is also on Mastodon, but she’s about the only one. TwitterX exploded in popularity in Japan when Elon took over for some reason, so my other dear friend, Nami, probably won’t leave anytime soon.

I’m referring to people who work from home, never leave the house, and get everything delivered, and think that everybody else should do the same. And if they leave the house, they’re irresponsible. It blows my mind that there are people with lockdown nostalgia out there.

Lemmy has been a good enough replacement for Reddit that I haven’t gone back to Reddit, especially since Voyager is a near-perfect replacement for Apollo, and the other apps I’ve tried are great in their own way, and enough people came here that I get my fill of shitposts and technical content.

Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for The Site Formerly Known As Twitter. Mastodon just doesn’t cut it for me. I stay away from the political crap and don’t really care about celebrities, but the art community is still on X, especially Japanese artists. Mastodon seems to be mainly people who want to complain about Elon, people who complain about conservatives, and people who want to live like it’s early 2020 for the rest of their lives.

It’s getting a little better with mastodon.art growing, and the third party apps are helping me get into it a little more, but it just isn’t there yet. Following hashtags helps a ton, so at least I get cats there.

This is a problem on a ton of different sites, not just Lemmy. And the ones that are not like this tend to be echo chambers for alt-right racist and anti-LGBT bullshit. It’s impossible to have a civilized discussion these days.