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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


Welllll, to clarify, we did not close it. The organization that was running it, Central City Concern, closed it. Specifically because it turns out that people on meth behave somewhat differently than people who have had one too many Tecates:

The agency said they received more and more patients in the midst of a mental crisis, agitated from opioid or meth use or a combination of both, leading to increased safety risks.

“More and more, we’re seeing people ending up in the sobering center when they should be in places where they can be given medication and a higher level of monitoring until their crisis subsides,” Dr. Amanda Risser, Central City Concern’s senior medical director of substance use disorder services told The Oregonian/OregonLive in an interview last week. “We don’t have medicine, we don’t have padded safety rooms and we don’t have the resources at the sobering center to do the hands-on intervention that happens in psychiatric centers. It just isn’t an acceptable risk anymore.”

When I first came to r/Portland, it was the kind of place that made fun of the oLive comment section. Over the last few years, it became functionally indistinguishable from it, with posters stumbling over each other to find the most nihilistic Eeyore take on any given subject.

It’d be awesome if we could avoid the same trap here, and I guess the solution is to consciously try to avoid Nextdooring the place up too hard. Like, how many different homeless camp fire articles do we need in a week to drive meaningful conversation?