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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


The main lens I use now (Canon 5D Mk3) is a Sigma 50-500. It’s more fiddly than the Canon stuff, and if I wanted to pay twice as much I could get a Canon lens that did a better job at one end or the other of it’s range, but when you have decent light both of the 50 and somewhere close to the 500 can take some pretty nice pictures. If you need one specific shot, my Dad’s Canon 200-400 is definitely more reliable, but I really like being able to go on a hike with one lens and get a variety of types of shots, and I take hundreds to thousands on a good hike so I’m not bothered by missing a single shot.

I also have a 24mm f/1.8 macro from them that’s even more niche (despite the wide angle, it’s not awesome for landscapes), but if you can get something close range, I really like the bokeh of the background and the subject is extremely sharp.

I have a shared Apple photos album with my dad and occasionally share with a small handful of friends on discord or on a Pixelfed with zero followers for the sake of having them somewhere that isn’t my apple photos album.

I’ve had a very small handful printed as Shutterfly’s metal photo tiles, and I thought they did a pretty good job (though the mounting was not sufficient for a textured wall paint).

I love my Sigma lenses. They’re definitely less polished than OEM (Canon for me) lenses, but if you find their sweet spots they can take some nice photos.