I am not actually a seal, you know…

I might actually be a seal, you know…

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


What you think is your business, what I think is that whatever arguments you have isn’t something that will hold up to questioning.

I also think that while you suspect bad faith, critisizing someone and then refusing to help them better themselves is a DIRECT act of bad intentions. That doesn’t help at all, it literally only brings more negative feelings to the world.

How do I even know that your criticism is real and you’re not just an Internet stranger, lying to try to bring me down and make me feel bad about myself for your own amusement?

I don’t think this is worth my time either, glad we can come to a common understanding.

If I did, what do you think would be most productive - Telling me that I’m wrong or explaining to me how I’m wrong?

I cannot concent to being a lemmy instance user due to my lack of understanding the intricacies of lemmy federation. Should we shut it all down or should I just stop using it?

Have you proven that you are ABLE to consent to things you don’t have a full overview over? Should YOU be able to use Lemmy, maybe you’re being exploited right now?

Terrible times we live in.

I’ve had the same thing happen on both .com and .no TLD’s despite setting the DKIM keys, all mail goes to the spam box. And I’ve had the same setup cause no issues.

In my experience it’s spam filters and the large companies behind them, I’ve even had my home IP blocked as untrustworthy - Until I power-cycled my modem and got a new IP from the local pool. To me it’s the reciever that unjustly blocks the mail, not our TLD’s that are “untrustworthy”.

I know it’s not an answer to the situation, but I don’t think there are any. To me, e-mail is another good idea ruined by big tech.

You might not care about that, but many people do.

Many people want Lord Journo, the teller of Truf to create an artificial wedge between users? Well then I certainly don’t support them either!

I want to know if someone has fact checkers looking over their shoulder or whether they’re free to pull claims out their ass till the cows come home.

You have no idea how much I’d love that. Unfortunately the last 10 years of media have shown me that this isn’t the case.

but rather one mechanism for establishing a basis for trust.

Yes, it’s disruptive at least - If not destructive to modern society that the trust in media have dropped to what I perceive to be critical levels, particularly in the last decade or two.

It’s because Lemmy allows setting a display name that shows up almost identically to a local name. If it continues to be a problem, my guess is that will be changed.

I think the first step will be to show the username next to the display name, just like on Mastodon. I will continue to assume this lemmy-specific is a non-issue on mastodon.

It’s that journalists are, by their nature, very tied to their reputation

They certainly are.

Having a system for verification is helpful for the general public to know that the person is at least who they say they are is useful.

Depends on what metric you evaluate people’s content by, if you want to be seen as Lord Journo the teller of Truf I don’t care if you work at Washington Post or not. I don’t want it.

Contrast that with a situation that Lemmy has had where a person keeps creating accounts with the display name of one of the admins and posting disgusting porn. I think they finally got bored and went away, but what if that was a larger campaign waged over years? Identity verification provides at least some baseline for trust.

That is literally why Mastodon has a built in verification system based on control of the verifying website. If you can tie your account to i.e. CNN and have a green link, it means you’ve got administrative access to the CNN homepage. Which means you are likely working at CNN or CNN have bigger problems than people pretending to be journalists at CNN.

Is the situation you describe because of the state of Lemmy, or that the Lemmy admins are uniquely targeted for impersonation?

I have nothing negative to say about Micah Lee beyond that I’m very critical of the system he’s chosen to partake in. I don’t care how long anybody’s been on Mastodon, what they’re trying to do is create a divide between pleb and power users.

Besides that, I guess sometimes it can be useful to send a Direct Message to a journalist rather than trying to phone or write them.

Yeah, and almost all serious people dissuades people from using Mastodon DM’s. Maybe that’s why Micah Lee have listed both his keybase handle and his Signal phone number as contact info, while we’re free to follow him on Mastodon.

The external forces are hard at work on centralizing and monopolizing the fediverse. Same thing with fedifinder, these things are trying to ruing what the fediverse could be. People who use services like this want to port over the kudos they’ve garnered on Twitter, they’re literally the people complaining that there’s no blue checkmarks on Mastodon. They’re trying to create the infrastructure to lord over regular users.

No thanks.

It’s still Google so that’s a bad sign.

I think this is related to the server checking an external actor for validation. The closest thing to twitter “Verification” mastodon has is the green fields on a profile that only shows if the mentioned site has a back link our something similar.

The big difference is that when client apps, be it for Twitter or just a regular old e-mail client reads your content - it’s working as intended.

If twitter staff does, they’re not.

Assuming they’re breaking user agreements etc.