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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


I’m talking about when the government wants an excuse for shutting down public discourse. Obviously it isn’t going to prosecute itself.

Fascist shutdown of public discourse, step by step:

  1. Find out where public discourse is.
  2. Post child porn on an obscure corner of it.
  3. Take screenshots of the posted porn.
  4. Send law enforcement to seize all the things.

That’s some backwards logic, then. The whole point of bioweapons is that, once introduced into the population you’re trying to exterminate, it spreads among them peer-to-peer.

There were pictures and diagrams of the virus. There was even art made in the virus’ likeness.

I’ve never seen a claim that COVID-19 was caused by anything other than an observable physical object. There have been many claims that it’s a manmade bioweapon and that vaccines are ineffective and harmful, but I’ve never heard of someone claiming it’s an intangible curse from God or something.

If the cure to cancer were found, like a virus to prevent deaths from COVID-19, sites like Twitter and Lemmy would spread lies and disinformation and tell people to avoid authentic facts and science.

They would try, but they would fail. COVID-19 is history now, because of vaccination, despite the best efforts of anti-vax death cultists to stop it.

Oof. Once the performance problems are sorted out, improving this really should be next on the developers’ agenda.

Problem: organizations pushing a political or commercial agenda will train their agents to overcome modest technical hurdles. Spammers, in particular, will go to extreme lengths to overcome technical hurdles, including hiring people to solve CAPTCHAs.

Make a metric fuckton of money from people who are using a third-party client specifically to protect themselves from Reddit’s increasingly-toxic attempts at monetizing their participation? The only thing I’d expect that to accomplish is to convince them all that it’s time to flee to the Fediverse.

And why do it this way? They could have limited API access (and therefore usage of third-party apps) to premium Reddit accounts. I can only assume that what they really want is to get people to install the official Reddit app, presumably to collect more data than is possible through a browser or third-party app. Exactly what they plan to do with those data, I can only speculate, but it can’t be good…

They reiterated that their goal “isn’t to kill 3rd party apps” – in fact, they said they were “confused” by claims that they want to do that

Who the hell do they think they’re fooling?