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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 21, 2022


idk about wordpress but there is WriteFreely. Which is like medium for the fedi, if that counts

nvm, got my answer from the git description, thanks for the study!

I’m a bit confused. I should join that room but if you can help understand: It seems a bit too minimalistic as of right now to even be usable as a single-user instance. Would it have a feed, A Hashtag section, atleast?

Even fox doesnt consider parts of what they market as a news outlet: as news outlet

agreed but facebook bullshit gets exposed anyway, gotta hurt them whenever we can

on the other hand, it would be illegal to scrape masto data and use it to profile people for ads. If that geta reported, it could be sued hard

paper.wf is an open WriteFreely instance that might help you if you just want to sign up to a service and start writing. Not sure who the owner of the domain is and how it is being funded though

Now try and use this same etymology for something such as “privacy”

Most of us did not know of it as such, and broadcasting it is purely a hateful process that serves no purpose against billionaires but only validates their elitism

paper.wf is a pretty cool writefreely instance, not sure how it is being funded though

Personally, I’d reconsider my love for the fediverse if newsfeed algorithms become a thing. One of the major reasons why I love mastodon is due to the utter lack of it.