“If you see fraud, and you don’t say fraud, you are a fraud.” N.N. Taleb
Finally, a bio. Here are a list of interests/rabbit holes:
#comics #rpgs #sf #physics #literature #environmentalism #music #politics #anti-deathpenalty #law #photography #computers #film and that subset is all before I turned 40. Careerwise, in the last 20 years I’ve worked for a telecom and an insurance company in increasingly nerdy areas. Film collector. #physicalmedia
I’m also a vegetarian/pescatarian of over 30 years.
@kainoa @matthieu_xyz @Bicyclejohn
Well then I won’t get too excited. lol
I’m unable to do that on pixel.infosec.exchange which is the pixelfed instance I’m on. Is there some trick to it or is it just not universally available yet?
We are still missing basic tools, like the ability to import full history from one instance to another. To import posts and comments, not just followers and those we follow, or lists (which often isn’t functional as on my current instance). Frankly we should be able to import history from non-fediverse social media too, if one has output files from them. Nobody I’m aware of has built a single tool to help them navigate those histories, let alone import them.
@mook @carturo222
34% to go!