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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


You‘re basically out of luck. APS is a dead format. Your only possibility is finding expired APS cartridges and shooting those. I have an old EOS IX7 that I got for like 20€ because I happened to have two expired rolls of APS. And even that wasn’t really worth it and I just did it for the lolz and I already had a compatible lens.

Your best bet is probably to take the lenses for your IX and use them on other cameras. If it’s an EF-S lens, you can use it on any Canon EOS DSLR and if it’s a regular EF lens, you can use it on any EOS SLR or DSLR. You could get an EOS 500 or similar 35mm camera body for close to nothing on eBay and get some use out of it, given it’s not an EF-S lens.

Not really possible. Besides APS film being smaller, the sprockets are spaced differently, the film has a magnetic strip and the cartridges are basically unworkable without the right equipment. It’s a dead format…