• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023

Anyone going to see ††† (crosses) this Sunday?
I'm new to the area and would love to meet people interested in this kind of synthrock music. Or at least to hear about some local/regional bands with something similar going on. (I'm not seeing any Portland music communities yet, so hopefully this is okay here)

Umm, the article is about overdoes rates, not arrests. Clearly you have a bias. And you cherry picked your quote. You left off the prior, more important line

That study found that Ballot Measure 110 reduced the number of arrests for drug possession but did not lead to an increase in violent crime arrests. The study also looked at arrest rates for curfew violations…

I just moved here, and have always had self-service pumps. It was a little weird at first, but it’s kind of nice to not have to get out. If it’s the same price, I’ll go with the attendants