• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


So frustrating. I got it working for about 10 minutes. Added users, authenticated them, made posts, uploaded banner, logged in and out many times. Then it just shut down. 502: bad gateway.

I tried to rebuild it fresh and found out that the ansible method has you request a new letsencrypt cert EVERY TIME IT RUNS. And after 5 certs, it bans your domain for 168 hrs…

So now I have to wait until next week to try again, and I’ll only have 5 chances at getting it right.

I keep looking at the mastodon documentation and it’s so nice. It’s complete and thorough. I just wish a Lemmy dev or literally anyone would write a better guide.

I’m just so fucking deflated right now. Thinking of buying a new domain just so I can keep testing.

try starttls (port 587)

😃 OMG it just worked! Thank you so much!!! You have no idea how excited I am to get my instance up and live! Here is my current lemmy.hjson after a successful ansible install:

  email: {
    smtp_server: "smtp.sendgrid.net:587"
    smtp_login: "apikey"
    smtp_password: "theActualApiKey"
    smtp_from_address: "noreply@my.domain"
    tls_type: "starttls"

For others, I’m using digitalOcean for my VPS and sendgrid for the SMTP relay.

Thanks for getting back to me!

Okay, sendgrid gives me this:

Configure your application with the settings below.
 	Server 	smtp.sendgrid.net
 	Ports 	25, 587 	(for unencrypted/TLS connections)
		465  	(for SSL connections)
 	Username 	apikey
 	Password 	theApiKeyGeneratedBySendgrid

I edited my lemmy.hjson file to this:

  email: {
    smtp_server: "smtp.sendgrid.net:25" #also tried ports 587 and 465 with no difference
    smtp_login: "apikey"
    smtp_password: "theApiKeyGeneratedBySendgrid"
    smtp_from_address: "noreply@myDomain"
    tls_type: "tls" #also tried "none" with no difference

The only change is that now when I select “forgot password” the button turns into a rotating arrow for a few seconds and then nothing. No emails in spam, nothing. Any ideas? I feel like I’m getting closer, and maybe I’m using the port wrong?

[Question] How to integrate sendgrid into Lemmy-Ansible installation?
I’m using the Lemmy ansible installation method. I’ve been trying to add sendgrid to the postfix section of the config.hjson file on my local machine. But where do I add the API key and username? I used port 587 but nothing works. Can anyone help walk me through how to integrate sendgrid into Lemmy-Ansible? Thanks!! the email section of config.hjson looks like this, did I do this right? ``` email: { smtp_server: "smtp.sendgrid.net:587" smtp_from_address: "noreply@{{ domain }}" tls_type: "tls" } ``` I was able to find the server location on my VPS under srv/lemmy/domain, so I can edit the lemmy.hjson file there if need be.