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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


Not OP, but I feel like it was Huh? as in what the heck are you talking about and why was it a reply to thier comment

No? You’re not going to respond with any evidence at all about anything you said here? Come on man. What a let down. Why do you even write this stuff then?

Well known facts from the pre-internet days, no less. You know, back when everything was recorded in physical books. Sadly all of those records have been lost. Tin foil hat sad face.

I can’t continue with this conversation simply because of how ignorant you are. I’m not here to argue with you over the dumb things you feel are gotcha points. You are not as clever as you think you are.

using keyword algorithms to mindlessly remove intelligent discussion only because it may be against some kind of predetermined policy. The US government does this. They have official agents placed within the staff of major social media outlets for this purpose.

Please please please provide evidence of this one.

Yes. Those types of people have always been around. Have you never read history before? You can aCkuALY all you want to, I don’t care. I’d rather you left that shit attitude at reddit, though.

Human history. The oldest history of humanity we have is the Sumerians. From that time on every large group of people formed a government. Babylon. Arkadian. Egyptian. Greek.

Other forms of government are tribes. Hunters. Gatherers. Those are tribes.

Show us people that didn’t have a form of government and we’ll be impressed.

Governments will always exist. Sorry to burst that bubble. They always have and they always will.