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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


This is a very simple calculation for me. I follow the “golden rule of liberty”, which can also be called the “harm principle.”

That is, “your rights end where mine begin. my rights end where yours begin”. Or, it is unethical to restrict anyone’s freedoms/liberties (especially expression) if they are not inflicting harm on others (i.e. infringing on their rights).

Furthermore, I object to any level of subjective analysis of the “legality” of art. Ergo, the mindset of “I think this looks childish, therefore it is a child, therefore it is CP” is exceptionally unethical and should not be tolerated.

And moreso, all of this only muddies and minimizes the ACTUAL crime of abusing children and diverts resources away from protection of real, actual children all because of some inane moralizing over someone’s artwork.

You are too hung up on “punishing the immoral” to realize that the ACTUAL need is “protecting the vulnerable” - and those two things are NOT the same.

I’m guessing this is yet another tiring instance of some idiot thinking “manga + nudity = CP”

Actual CSAM, depicting an actual crime against an actual child… or “someone drew dirty cartoons and I’m a moron who thinks dirty drawings are the same as one of the most heinous crimes imaginable - harming a vulnerable child”?