You Can’t Stop The Signal

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


Setting up nextcloud for a calendar is like using a .50 to kill a mosquito.

I’d recommend a CalDav server like radicale.

You should think of a better comparison cause this one sucks.

Also no. You’re doing something that affects 100% of users because the node these users use is malicious. The problem is the underlying structure not the people using said structure. Maybe this makes them stop using said structure.

Its like being upset that I dont answer unknown numbers. “Well only 10% are scammers so you’re affecting 100% of calls”

Brother these things are in no way the same. One is a tech giant knowingly aiding and abbeting governments who are ethnically cleansing their country and another is not being able to see posts from a different instance. The only great irony is you calling them innocent casualties.

Huh. That all seems wildly complicated to me but thats just since I don’t live with the system.

Wait do you not have a router? Or do you mean its satalite internet.

Ive set a static IP manually in my router.

I quite like truenas Scale, but it wont work for everyone. I have my whole *arr stack hosted on it and vaultwarden was just something I learned I could do lol.

Plex doesnt techincally do reverse proxy but I understand what you mean. Vaultwarden doesnt but its rather easy to set up. I haven’t used DynDNS but I have mine running through traefik on my truenas scale machine. Grab a cheap domain, learn the minimum amount of networking and youre good to go. If you need any help you can pm me :). Scale makes the SSL cert delivery very easy but its not hard to do outside of scale either. Ive done it through both a Scale Box and just basic ass ubuntu server, so piOS should be easy as well given that you can run docker on it.

This is an exhaustive list of all fediverse programs. Seems like theres an alternative for most things, and it just depends on what you like.

On the topic of a PM, its probably best to self host one. Any multi user PM, regardless of company or community backed, will become a target once its big enough. Vaultwarden takes an hour at most from scratch to host on a raspi. I highly reccomend it as a first time project :)